Source code for desisurvey.ephem

"""Tabulate sun and moon ephemerides during the survey.
from __future__ import print_function, division

import warnings
import math
import os.path
import datetime

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate

import astropy.time
import astropy.table
import astropy.utils.exceptions
import astropy.units as u

import ephem

import desiutil.log
import desisurvey.config
import desisurvey.utils
import desisurvey.tiles

# Date range 2019-2025 for tabulated ephemerides.
# This range is chosen large enough to cover commissioning,
# survey validation and the 5-year main survey, so should
# not normally need to be changed, except for testing.
START_DATE =, 1, 1)
STOP_DATE =, 12, 31)

_ephem = None

[docs]def get_ephem(use_cache=True, write_cache=True): """Return tabulated ephemerides for (START_DATE,STOP_DATE). The pyephem module must be installed to calculate ephemerides, but is not necessary when a FITS file of precalcuated data is available. Parameters ---------- use_cache : bool Use cached ephemerides from memory or disk if possible when True. Otherwise, always calculate from scratch. write_cache : bool When True, write a generated table so it is available for future invocations. Writing only takes place when a cached object is not available or ``use_cache`` is False. Returns ------- Ephemerides Object with tabulated ephemerides for (START_DATE,STOP_DATE). """ global _ephem # Freeze IERS table for consistent results. desisurvey.utils.freeze_iers() # Use standardized string representation of dates. start_iso = START_DATE.isoformat() stop_iso = STOP_DATE.isoformat() range_iso = '({},{})'.format(start_iso, stop_iso) log = desiutil.log.get_logger() # First check for a cached object in memory. if use_cache and _ephem is not None: if _ephem.start_date != START_DATE or _ephem.stop_date != STOP_DATE: raise RuntimeError('START_DATE, STOP_DATE have changed.') log.debug('Returning cached ephemerides for {}.'.format(range_iso)) return _ephem # Next check for a FITS file on disk. config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() filename = config.get_path('ephem_{}_{}.fits'.format(start_iso, stop_iso)) if use_cache and os.path.exists(filename): # Save restored object in memory. _ephem = Ephemerides(START_DATE, STOP_DATE, restore=filename)'Restored ephemerides for {} from {}.' .format(range_iso, filename)) return _ephem # Finally, create new ephemerides and save in the memory cache.'Building ephemerides for {}...'.format(range_iso)) _ephem = Ephemerides(START_DATE, STOP_DATE) if write_cache: # Save the tabulated ephemerides to disk. _ephem._table.write(filename, overwrite=True)'Saved ephemerides for {} to {}'.format(range_iso, filename)) return _ephem
[docs]class Ephemerides(object): """Tabulate ephemerides. :func:`get_ephem` should normally be used rather than calling this constructor directly. Parameters ---------- start_date : Calculated ephemerides start on the evening of this date. stop_date : Calculated ephemerides stop on the morning of this date. num_obj_steps : int Number of steps for tabulating object (ra, dec) during each 24-hour period from local noon to local noon. Ignored when restore is set. restore : str or None Name of a file to restore ephemerides from. Construct ephemerides from scratch when None. A restored file must have start and stop dates that match our args. Attributes ---------- start : astropy.time.Time Local noon before the first night for which ephemerides are calculated. stop : astropy.time.Time Local noon after the last night for which ephemerides are calculated. num_nights : int Number of consecutive nights for which ephemerides are calculated. """ def __init__(self, start_date, stop_date, num_obj_steps=25, restore=None): self.log = desiutil.log.get_logger() config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() # Validate date range. num_nights = (stop_date - start_date).days if num_nights <= 0: raise ValueError('Expected start_date < stop_date.') self.num_nights = num_nights self.start_date = start_date self.stop_date = stop_date # Convert to astropy times at local noon. self.start = desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(start_date) self.stop = desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(stop_date) # Moon illumination fraction interpolator will be initialized the # first time it is used. self._moon_illum_frac_interpolator = None # Restore ephemerides from a FITS table if requested. if restore is not None: self._table = assert self._table.meta['START'] == str(start_date) assert self._table.meta['STOP'] == str(stop_date) assert len(self._table) == num_nights return # Initialize an empty table to fill. meta = dict(NAME='Survey Ephemerides', EXTNAME='EPHEM', START=str(start_date), STOP=str(stop_date)) self._table = astropy.table.Table(meta=meta) mjd_format = '%.5f' self._table['noon'] = astropy.table.Column( length=num_nights, format=mjd_format, description='MJD of local noon before night') self._table['dusk'] = astropy.table.Column( length=num_nights, format=mjd_format, description='MJD of dark/gray sunset') self._table['dawn'] = astropy.table.Column( length=num_nights, format=mjd_format, description='MJD of dark/gray sunrise') self._table['brightdusk'] = astropy.table.Column( length=num_nights, format=mjd_format, description='MJD of bright sunset') self._table['brightdawn'] = astropy.table.Column( length=num_nights, format=mjd_format, description='MJD of bright sunrise') self._table['brightdusk_LST'] = astropy.table.Column( length=num_nights, format='%.5f', description='Apparent LST at brightdawn in degrees') self._table['brightdawn_LST'] = astropy.table.Column( length=num_nights, format='%.5f', description='Apparent LST at brightdusk in degrees') self._table['moonrise'] = astropy.table.Column( length=num_nights, format=mjd_format, description='MJD of moonrise before/during night') self._table['moonset'] = astropy.table.Column( length=num_nights, format=mjd_format, description='MJD of moonset after/during night') self._table['moon_illum_frac'] = astropy.table.Column( length=num_nights, format='%.3f', description='Illuminated fraction of moon surface') self._table['nearest_full_moon'] = astropy.table.Column( length=num_nights, format='%.5f', description='Nearest full moon - local midnight in days') self._table['programs'] = astropy.table.Column( length=num_nights, shape=(4,), dtype=np.int16, description='Program sequence between dusk and dawn') self._table['changes'] = astropy.table.Column( length=num_nights, shape=(3,), description='MJD of program changes between dusk and dawn') # Add (ra,dec) arrays for each object that we need to avoid and # check that ephem has a model for it. models = {} for name in config.avoid_bodies.keys: models[name] = getattr(ephem, name.capitalize())() self._table[name + '_ra'] = astropy.table.Column( length=num_nights, shape=(num_obj_steps,), format='%.2f', description='RA of {0} during night in degrees'.format(name)) self._table[name + '_dec'] = astropy.table.Column( length=num_nights, shape=(num_obj_steps,), format='%.2f', description='DEC of {0} during night in degrees'.format(name)) # The moon is required. if 'moon' not in models: raise ValueError('Missing required avoid_bodies entry for "moon".') # Initialize the observer. mayall = ephem.Observer() = config.location.latitude().to(u.rad).value mayall.lon = config.location.longitude().to(u.rad).value mayall.elevation = config.location.elevation().to(u.m).value # Configure atmospheric refraction model for rise/set calculations. mayall.pressure = 1e3 * config.location.pressure().to( mayall.temp = config.location.temperature().to(u.C).value # Do not use atmospheric refraction corrections for other calculations. mayall_no_ar = mayall.copy() mayall_no_ar.pressure = 0. # Calculate the MJD corresponding to date=0. in ephem. # This throws a warning because of the early year, but it is harmless. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter( 'ignore', astropy.utils.exceptions.AstropyUserWarning) mjd0 = astropy.time.Time( datetime.datetime(1899, 12, 31, 12, 0, 0)).mjd # Initialize a grid covering each 24-hour period for # tabulating the (ra,dec) of objects to avoid. t_obj = np.linspace(0., 1., num_obj_steps) # Calculate ephmerides for each night. for day_offset in range(num_nights): day = self.start + day_offset * = day.datetime row = self._table[day_offset] # Store local noon for this day. row['noon'] = day.mjd # Calculate bright twilight. mayall.horizon = ( config.conditions.BRIGHT.max_sun_altitude().to(u.rad).value) row['brightdusk'] = mayall.next_setting( ephem.Sun(), use_center=True) + mjd0 row['brightdawn'] = mayall.next_rising( ephem.Sun(), use_center=True) + mjd0 # Calculate dark / gray twilight. mayall.horizon = ( config.conditions.DARK.max_sun_altitude().to(u.rad).value) row['dusk'] = mayall.next_setting( ephem.Sun(), use_center=True) + mjd0 row['dawn'] = mayall.next_rising( ephem.Sun(), use_center=True) + mjd0 # Calculate the moonrise/set for any moon visible tonight. m0 = ephem.Moon() # Use the USNO standard for defining moonrise/set, which means that # it will not exactly correspond to DARK <-> ? program transitions # at an altitude of 0deg. mayall.horizon = '-0:34' row['moonrise'] = mayall.next_rising(m0) + mjd0 if row['moonrise'] > row['brightdawn']: # Any moon visible tonight is from the previous moon rise. row['moonrise'] = mayall.previous_rising(m0) + mjd0 = row['moonrise'] - mjd0 row['moonset'] = mayall.next_setting(ephem.Moon()) + mjd0 # Calculate the fraction of the moon's surface that is illuminated # at local midnight. m0.compute(row['noon'] + 0.5 - mjd0) row['moon_illum_frac'] = m0.moon_phase # Loop over objects to avoid. for i, t in enumerate(t_obj): # Set the date of the no-refraction model. = row['noon'] + t - mjd0 for name, model in models.items(): model.compute(mayall_no_ar) row[name + '_ra'][i] = math.degrees(float(model.ra)) row[name + '_dec'][i] = math.degrees(float(model.dec)) # Build a 1s grid covering the night. step_size_sec = 1 step_size_day = step_size_sec / 86400. dmjd_grid = desisurvey.ephem.get_grid(step_size=step_size_sec * u.s) # Loop over nights to calculate the program sequence. self._table['programs'][:] = -1 self._table['changes'][:] = 0. for row in self._table: mjd_grid = dmjd_grid + row['noon'] + 0.5 pindex = self.tabulate_program( mjd_grid, include_twilight=False, as_tuple=False) assert pindex[0] == -1 and pindex[-1] == -1 # Calculate index-1 where new programs starts (-1 because of np.diff) changes = np.where(np.diff(pindex) != 0)[0] # Must have at least DAY -> NIGHT -> DAY changes. assert len(changes) >= 2 and pindex[changes[0]] == -1 and pindex[changes[-1] + 1] == -1 # Max possible changes is 5. assert len(changes) <= 6 # Check that first change is at dusk. assert np.abs(mjd_grid[changes[0]] + 0.5 * step_size_day - row['dusk']) <= step_size_day # Check that the last change is at dusk. assert np.abs(mjd_grid[changes[-1]] + 0.5 * step_size_day - row['dawn']) <= step_size_day row['programs'][0] = pindex[changes[0] + 1] for k, idx in enumerate(changes[1:-1]): row['programs'][k + 1] = pindex[idx + 1] row['changes'][k] = mjd_grid[idx] + 0.5 * step_size_day # Tabulate all full moons covering (start, stop) with a 30-day pad. full_moons = [] lo, hi = self._table[0]['noon'] - 30 - mjd0, self._table[-1]['noon'] + 30 - mjd0 when = lo while when < hi: when = ephem.next_full_moon(when) full_moons.append(when) full_moons = np.array(full_moons) + mjd0 # Find the first full moon after each midnight. midnight = self._table['noon'] + 0.5 idx = np.searchsorted(full_moons, midnight, side='left') assert np.all(midnight <= full_moons[idx]) assert np.all(midnight > full_moons[idx - 1]) # Calculate time until next full moon and after previous full moon. next_full_moon = full_moons[idx] - midnight prev_full_moon = midnight - full_moons[idx - 1] # Record the nearest full moon to each midnight. next_is_nearest = next_full_moon <= prev_full_moon self._table['nearest_full_moon'][next_is_nearest] = next_full_moon[next_is_nearest] self._table['nearest_full_moon'][~next_is_nearest] = -prev_full_moon[~next_is_nearest] # Calculate apparent LST at each brightdusk/dawn in degrees. dusk_t = astropy.time.Time(self._table['brightdusk'].data, format='mjd') dawn_t = astropy.time.Time(self._table['brightdawn'].data, format='mjd') dusk_t.location = desisurvey.utils.get_location() dawn_t.location = desisurvey.utils.get_location() self._table['brightdusk_LST'] = dusk_t.sidereal_time('apparent').to(u.deg).value self._table['brightdawn_LST'] = dawn_t.sidereal_time('apparent').to(u.deg).value # Subtract 360 deg if LST wraps around during this night, so that the # [dusk, dawn] values can be used for linear interpolation. wrap = self._table['brightdusk_LST'] > self._table['brightdawn_LST'] self._table['brightdusk_LST'][wrap] -= 360 assert np.all(self._table['brightdawn_LST'] > self._table['brightdusk_LST'])
[docs] def get_row(self, row_index): """Return the specified row of our table. Parameters ---------- row_index : int Index starting from zero of the requested row. Negative values are allowed and specify offsets from the end of the table in the usual way. Returns astropy.table.Row or int Row of ephemeris data for the requested night. """ if row_index < -self.num_nights or row_index >= self.num_nights: raise ValueError('Requested row index outside table: {0}' .format(row_index)) return self._table[row_index]
@property def table(self): """Read-only access to our internal table.""" return self._table
[docs] def get_night(self, night, as_index=False): """Return the row of ephemerides for a single night. Parameters ---------- night : date Converted to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`. as_index : bool Return the row index of the specified night in our per-night table if True. Otherwise return the row itself. Returns ------- astropy.table.Row or int Row of ephemeris data for the requested night or the index of this row (selected via ``as_index``). """ date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(night) row_index = (date - self.start_date).days if row_index < 0 or row_index >= self.num_nights: raise ValueError('Requested night outside ephemerides: {0}' .format(night)) return row_index if as_index else self._table[row_index]
[docs] def get_moon_illuminated_fraction(self, mjd): """Return the illuminated fraction of the moon. Uses linear interpolation on the tabulated fractions at midnight and should be accurate to about 0.01. For reference, the fraction changes by up to 0.004 per hour. Parameters ---------- mjd : float or array MJD values during a single night where the program should be tabulated. Returns ------- float or array Illuminated fraction at each input time. """ mjd = np.asarray(mjd) if (np.min(mjd) < self._table['noon'][0] or np.max(mjd) >= self._table['noon'][-1] + 1): raise ValueError('Requested MJD is outside ephemerides range.') if self._moon_illum_frac_interpolator is None: # Lazy initialization of a cubic interpolator. midnight = self._table['noon'] + 0.5 self._moon_illum_frac_interpolator = scipy.interpolate.interp1d( midnight, self._table['moon_illum_frac'], copy=True, kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate', assume_sorted=True) return self._moon_illum_frac_interpolator(mjd)
[docs] def get_night_program(self, night, include_twilight=False, program_as_int=False): """Return the program sequence for one night. The program definitions are taken from :class:`desisurvey.config.Configuration` and depend only on sun and moon ephemerides for the night. Parameters ---------- night : date Converted to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`. include_twilight : bool Include twilight time at the start and end of each night in the BRIGHT program. program_as_int : bool Return program encoded as a small integer instead of a string when True. Returns ------- tuple Tuple (programs, changes) where programs is a list of N program names and changes is a 1D numpy array of N+1 MJD values that bracket each program during the night. """ night_ephem = self.get_night(night) programs = night_ephem['programs'] changes = night_ephem['changes'] # Unused slots are -1. num_programs = np.count_nonzero(programs >= 0) programs = programs[:num_programs] changes = changes[:num_programs - 1] if include_twilight: start = night_ephem['brightdusk'] stop = night_ephem['brightdawn'] BRIGHT = desisurvey.tiles.Tiles.CONDITION_INDEX['BRIGHT'] if programs[0] != BRIGHT: # Twilight adds a BRIGHT program at the start of the night. programs = np.insert(programs, 0, BRIGHT) changes = np.insert(changes, 0, night_ephem['dusk']) if programs[-1] != BRIGHT: # Twilight adds a BRIGHT program at the end of the night. programs = np.append(programs, BRIGHT) changes = np.append(changes, night_ephem['dawn']) else: start = night_ephem['dusk'] stop = night_ephem['dawn'] # Add start, stop to the change times. changes = np.concatenate(([start], changes, [stop])) if not program_as_int: # Replace program indices with names. programs = [desisurvey.tiles.Tiles.CONDITIONS[pidx] for pidx in programs] return programs, changes
[docs] def get_program_hours(self, start_date=None, stop_date=None, include_monsoon=False, include_full_moon=False, include_twilight=True): """Tabulate hours in each program during each night of the survey. Use :func:`desisurvey.plots.plot_program` to visualize program hours. This method calculates scheduled hours with no correction for weather. Use 1 - :func:`` to lookup nightly corrections based on historical weather data. Parameters ---------- ephem : :class:`desisurvey.ephem.Ephemerides` Tabulated ephemerides data to use for determining the program. start_date : date or None First night to include or use the first date of the survey. Must be convertible to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`. stop_date : date or None First night to include or use the last date of the survey. Must be convertible to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`. include_monsoon : bool Include nights during the annual monsoon shutdowns. include_fullmoon : bool Include nights during the monthly full-moon breaks. include_twilight : bool Include twilight time at the start and end of each night in the BRIGHT program. Returns ------- array Numpy array of shape (3, num_nights) containing the number of hours in each program (0=DARK, 1=GRAY, 2=BRIGHT) during each night. """ # Determine date range to use. config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() if start_date is None: start_date = config.first_day() else: start_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(start_date) if stop_date is None: stop_date = config.last_day() else: stop_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(stop_date) if start_date >= stop_date: raise ValueError('Expected start_date < stop_date.') num_nights = (stop_date - start_date).days hours = np.zeros((3, num_nights)) for i in range(num_nights): tonight = start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=i) if not include_monsoon and desisurvey.utils.is_monsoon(tonight): continue if not include_full_moon and self.is_full_moon(tonight): continue programs, changes = self.get_night_program( tonight, include_twilight=include_twilight, program_as_int=True) for p, dt in zip(programs, np.diff(changes)): hours[p, i] += dt hours *= 24 return hours
[docs] def get_available_lst(self, start_date=None, stop_date=None, nbins=192, origin=-60, weather=None, include_monsoon=False, include_full_moon=False, include_twilight=False): """Calculate histograms of available LST for each program. Parameters ---------- start_date : date or None First night to include or use the first date of the survey. Must be convertible to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`. stop_date : date or None First night to include or use the last date of the survey. Must be convertible to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`. nbins : int Number of LST bins to use. origin : float Rotate DEC values in plots so that the left edge is at this value in degrees. weather : array or None 1D array of nightly weather factors (0-1) to use, or None to calculate available LST assuming perfect weather. Length must equal the number of nights between start and stop. Values are fraction of the night with the dome open (0=never, 1=always). Use 1 - :func:`` to lookup suitable corrections based on historical weather data. include_monsoon : bool Include nights during the annual monsoon shutdowns. include_fullmoon : bool Include nights during the monthly full-moon breaks. include_twilight : bool Include twilight in the BRIGHT program when True. Returns ------- tuple Tuple (lst_hist, lst_bins) with lst_hist having shape (3,nbins) and lst_bins having shape (nbins+1,). """ config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() if start_date is None: start_date = config.first_day() else: start_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(start_date) if stop_date is None: stop_date = config.last_day() else: stop_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(stop_date) num_nights = (stop_date - start_date).days if num_nights <= 0: raise ValueError('Expected start_date < stop_date.') if weather is not None: weather = np.asarray(weather) if len(weather) != num_nights: raise ValueError('Expected weather array of length {}.'.format(num_nights)) # Initialize LST histograms for each program. lst_bins = np.linspace(origin, origin + 360, nbins + 1) lst_hist = np.zeros((len(desisurvey.tiles.Tiles.CONDITIONS), nbins)) dlst = 360. / nbins # Loop over nights. for n in range(num_nights): night = start_date + datetime.timedelta(n) if not include_monsoon and desisurvey.utils.is_monsoon(night): continue if not include_full_moon and self.is_full_moon(night): continue # Look up the program changes during this night. programs, changes = self.get_night_program( night, include_twilight, program_as_int=True) # Convert each change MJD to a corresponding LST in degrees. night_ephem = self.get_night(night) MJD0, MJD1 = night_ephem['brightdusk'], night_ephem['brightdawn'] LST0, LST1 = [night_ephem['brightdusk_LST'], night_ephem['brightdawn_LST']] lst_changes = LST0 + (changes - MJD0) * (LST1 - LST0) / (MJD1 - MJD0) assert np.all(np.diff(lst_changes) > 0) lst_bin = (lst_changes - origin) / 360 * nbins # Loop over programs during the night. for i, prog_index in enumerate(programs): phist = lst_hist[prog_index] lo, hi = lst_bin[i:i + 2] # Ensure that 0 <= lo < nbins left_edge = np.floor(lo / nbins) * nbins lo -= left_edge hi -= left_edge assert 0 <= lo and lo < nbins ilo = int(np.ceil(lo)) assert ilo > 0 # Calculate the weight of this night in sidereal hours. wgt = 24 / nbins if weather is not None: wgt *= weather[n] # Divide this program's LST window among the LST bins. if hi < nbins: # [lo,hi) falls completely within [0,nbins) ihi = int(np.floor(hi)) if ilo == ihi + 1: # LST window is contained within a single LST bin. phist[ihi] += (hi - lo) * wgt else: # Accumulate to bins that fall completely within the window. phist[ilo:ihi] += wgt # Accumulate to partial bins at each end of the program window. phist[ilo - 1] += (ilo - lo) * wgt phist[ihi] += (hi - ihi) * wgt else: # [lo,hi) wraps around on the right edge. hi -= nbins assert hi >= 0 and hi < nbins ihi = int(np.floor(hi)) # Accumulate to bins that fall completely within the window. phist[ilo:nbins] += wgt phist[0:ihi] += wgt # Accumulate partial bins at each end of the program window. phist[ilo - 1] += (ilo - lo) * wgt phist[ihi] += (hi - ihi) * wgt return lst_hist, lst_bins
[docs] def tabulate_program(self, mjd, include_twilight=False, as_tuple=True): """Tabulate the program during one night. The program definitions are taken from :class:`desisurvey.config.Configuration` and depend only on sun and moon ephemerides for the night. Parameters ---------- mjd : float or array MJD values during a single night where the program should be tabulated. include_twilight : bool Include twilight time at the start and end of each night in the BRIGHT program. as_tuple : bool Return a tuple (dark, gray, bright) or else a vector of int16 values. Returns ------- tuple or array Tuple (dark, gray, bright) of boolean arrays that tabulates the program at each input MJD or an array of small integer indices into :attr:`desisurvey.tiles.Tiles.CONDITIONS`, with the special value -1 indicating DAYTIME. All output arrays have the same shape as the input ``mjd`` array. """ # Get the night of the earliest time. mjd = np.asarray(mjd) night = self.get_night(astropy.time.Time(np.min(mjd), format='mjd')) # Check that all input MJDs are valid for this night. mjd0 = night['noon'] if np.any((mjd < mjd0) | (mjd >= mjd0 + 1)): raise ValueError('MJD values span more than one night.') # Calculate the moon (ra, dec) in degrees at each grid time. interpolator = get_object_interpolator(night, 'moon', altaz=True) moon_alt, _ = interpolator(mjd) # Calculate the moon illuminated fraction at each time. moon_frac = self.get_moon_illuminated_fraction(mjd) # Select bright and dark night conditions. dark_night = (mjd >= night['dusk']) & (mjd <= night['dawn']) if include_twilight: bright_night = ( mjd >= night['brightdusk']) & (mjd <= night['brightdawn']) else: bright_night = dark_night # Identify program during each MJD. GRAY = desisurvey.config.Configuration().conditions.GRAY max_prod = GRAY.max_moon_illumination_altitude_product().to(u.deg).value max_frac = GRAY.max_moon_illumination() gray = dark_night & (moon_alt >= 0) & ( (moon_frac <= max_frac) & (moon_frac * moon_alt <= max_prod)) dark = dark_night & (moon_alt < 0) bright = bright_night & ~(dark | gray) assert not np.any(dark & gray | dark & bright | gray & bright) if as_tuple: return dark, gray, bright else: # Default value -1=DAYTIME. program = np.full(mjd.shape, -1, np.int16) program[dark] = desisurvey.tiles.Tiles.CONDITION_INDEX['DARK'] program[gray] = desisurvey.tiles.Tiles.CONDITION_INDEX['GRAY'] program[bright] = desisurvey.tiles.Tiles.CONDITION_INDEX['BRIGHT'] return program
[docs] def is_full_moon(self, night, num_nights=None): """Test if a night occurs during a full-moon break. The full moon break is defined as the ``num_nights`` nights where the moon is most fully illuminated at local midnight. This method should normally be called with ``num_nights`` equal to None, in which case the value is taken from our :class:`desisurvey.config.Configuration``. Parameters ---------- night : date Converted to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`. num_nights : int or None Number of nights to block out around each full-moon. Returns ------- bool True if the specified night falls during a full-moon break. """ # Check the requested length of the full moon break. if num_nights is None: num_nights = desisurvey.config.Configuration().full_moon_nights() # Look up the index of this night in our table. index = self.get_night(night, as_index=True) # When is the nearest full moon? nearest = self._table['nearest_full_moon'][index] if np.abs(nearest) < 0.5 * num_nights: return True elif nearest == 0.5 * num_nights: # Tie breaker if two nights are equally close. return True else: return False
[docs]def get_object_interpolator(row, object_name, altaz=False): """Build an interpolator for object location during one night. Wrap around in RA is handled correctly and we assume that the object never wraps around in DEC. The interpolated unit vectors should be within 0.3 degrees of the true unit vectors in both (dec,ra) and (alt,az). Parameters ---------- row : astropy.table.Row A single row from the ephemerides astropy Table corresponding to the night in question. object_name : string Name of the object to build an interpolator for. Must be listed under avoid_objects in :class:`our configuration <desisurvey.config.Configuration>`. altaz : bool Interpolate in (alt,az) if True, else interpolate in (dec,ra). Returns ------- callable A callable object that takes a single MJD value or an array of MJD values and returns the corresponding (dec,ra) or (alt,az) values in degrees, with -90 <= dec,alt <= +90 and 0 <= ra,az < 360. """ # Find the tabulated (ra, dec) values for the requested object. try: ra = row[object_name + '_ra'] dec = row[object_name + '_dec'] except AttributeError: raise ValueError('Invalid object_name {0}.'.format(object_name)) # Calculate the grid of MJD time steps where (ra,dec) are tabulated. t_obj = row['noon'] + np.linspace(0., 1., len(ra)) # Interpolate in (theta,phi) = (dec,ra) or (alt,az)? if altaz: # Convert each (ra,dec) to (alt,az) at the appropriate time. times = astropy.time.Time(t_obj, format='mjd') frame = desisurvey.utils.get_observer(times) sky = astropy.coordinates.ICRS(ra=ra * u.deg, dec=dec * u.deg) altaz = sky.transform_to(frame) theta = phi = else: theta = dec phi = ra # Construct arrays of (theta, cos(phi), sin(phi)) values for this night. # Use cos(phi), sin(phi) instead of phi directly to avoid wrap-around # discontinuities. Leave theta in degrees. data = np.empty((3, len(ra))) data[0] = theta phi = np.radians(phi) data[1] = np.cos(phi) data[2] = np.sin(phi) # Build a cubic interpolator in (alt, az) during this interval. # Return (0, 0, 0) outside the interval. interpolator = scipy.interpolate.interp1d( t_obj, data, axis=1, kind='cubic', copy=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0., assume_sorted=True) # Wrap the interpolator to convert (cos(phi), sin(phi)) back to an angle # in degrees. def wrapper(mjd): theta, cos_phi, sin_phi = interpolator(mjd) # Map arctan2 range [-180, +180] into [0, 360] with fmod(). phi = np.fmod(360 + np.degrees(np.arctan2(sin_phi, cos_phi)), 360) return theta, phi return wrapper
[docs]def get_grid(step_size=1, night_start=-6, night_stop=7): """Calculate a grid of equally spaced times covering one night. In case the requested step size does not evenly divide the requested range, the last grid point will be rounded up. The default range covers all possible observing times at KPNO. Parameters ---------- step_size : :class:`astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Size of each grid step with time units, default 1 min. night_start : :class:`astropy.units.Quantity`, optional First grid point relative to local midnight with time units, default -6 h. night_stop : :class:`astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Last grid point relative to local midnight with time units, default 7 h. Returns ------- array Numpy array of dimensionless offsets relative to local midnight in units of days. """ if not isinstance(step_size, u.Quantity): step_size = step_size * u.min if not isinstance(night_start, u.Quantity): night_start = night_start * u.hour if not isinstance(night_stop, u.Quantity): night_stop = night_stop * u.hour num_points = int(round(((night_stop - night_start) / step_size).to(1).value)) night_stop = night_start + num_points * step_size return ( + * np.arange(num_points + 1))