Source code for desisurvey.plan

"""Plan future DESI observations.
from __future__ import print_function, division

import datetime
import os.path

import numpy as np

import astropy.table

import desiutil.log

import desisurvey.utils
import desisurvey.tiles
import desisurvey.ephem

[docs]def load_design_hourangle(): """Load design hour-angle assignments from disk. If hour angles are present in the tile file, defaults to those. Otherwise reads column 'DESIGNHA' from file saved by the ``surveyinit`` script. Contents must row-match the tile file. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the ecsv file to read. A relative path is assumed to refer to the output path specified in the configuration. Returns ------- array 1D array of design hour angles in degrees, with indexing that matches :class:`desisurvey.tiles.Tiles`. """ tiles = desisurvey.tiles.get_tiles() if tiles.designha is not None: return tiles.designha else: from astropy.table import Table tf = os.path.join(os.environ['DESISURVEY_OUTPUT'], os.path.basename(tiles.tiles_file)) design = if not (np.all(tiles.tileID == design['TILEID']) and np.allclose(tiles.tileRA['RA'], design['RA']) and np.allclose(tiles['DEC'], design['DEC']) and np.all(tiles['PROGRAM'] == design['PROGRAM'])): raise ValueError('Plan HA does match tile file.') return design['HA'].data.copy()
def get_fiber_assign_dir(): fiber_assign_dirs = [] fiber_assign_dir = os.environ.get('FIBER_ASSIGN_DIR', None) if fiber_assign_dir is None: config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() fiber_assign_dir = getattr(config, 'fiber_assign_dir', None) if fiber_assign_dir is not None: fiber_assign_dir = fiber_assign_dir() if fiber_assign_dir is not None: fiber_assign_dirs.append(fiber_assign_dir) fa_holding_pen = os.environ.get('FA_HOLDING_PEN', None) if fa_holding_pen is None: config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() fa_holding_pen = getattr(config, 'fa_holding_pen', None) if fa_holding_pen is not None: fa_holding_pen = fa_holding_pen() if fa_holding_pen is not None: fiber_assign_dirs.append(fa_holding_pen) return fiber_assign_dirs
[docs]def load_weather(start_date=None, stop_date=None, name='surveyinit.fits'): """Load dome-open fraction expected during each night of the survey. Reads Image HDU 'WEATHER'. This is the format saved by the ``surveyinit`` script, but any FITS file following the same convention can be used. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the FITS file to read. A relative path is assumed to refer to the output path specified in the configuration. start_date : date or None First night to include or use the first date of the survey. Must be convertible to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`. stop_date : date or None First night to include or use the last date of the survey. Must be convertible to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`. Returns ------- array 1D array of length equal to the span between stop_date and start_date. Values are between 0 (dome closed all night) and 1 (dome open all night). """ config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() if start_date is None: start_date = config.first_day() else: start_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(start_date) if stop_date is None: stop_date = config.last_day() else: stop_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(stop_date) if stop_date <= start_date: raise ValueError('Expected start_date < stop_date.') with, memmap=False) as hdus: weather = hdus['WEATHER'].data num_nights = len(weather) first = desisurvey.utils.get_date(hdus['WEATHER'].header['FIRST']) last = first + datetime.timedelta(num_nights) if start_date < first: raise ValueError('Weather not available before {}.'.format( first.isoformat())) num_nights = (stop_date - start_date).days if last < stop_date: raise ValueError('Weather not available after {}.'.format( last.isoformat())) ilo, ihi = (start_date - first).days, (stop_date - first).days return weather[ilo:ihi]
[docs]class Planner(object): """Coordinate afternoon planning activities. Parameters ---------- rules : object or None Object with an ``apply`` method that is used to implement survey strategy by updating tile priorities each afternoon. When None, all tiles have equal priority. restore : str or None Restore internal state from the snapshot saved to this filename, or initialize a new planner when None. Use :meth:`save` to save a snapshot to be restored later. Filename is relative to the configured output path unless an absolute path is provided. Raise a RuntimeError if the saved tile IDs do not match the current tiles_file values. simulate : bool If True, simulate fiber assignment process. log : log object or None logging object to use; None for desiutil default. """ def __init__(self, rules=None, restore=None, simulate=False, log=None): if log is None: self.log = desiutil.log.get_logger() else: self.log = log self.rules = rules config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() self.min_snr2_fraction = config.min_snr2_fraction() self.tiles_lowpass = config.tiles_lowpass() self.simulate = simulate if self.simulate: self.fiberassign_cadence = config.fiber_assignment_cadence() if ((self.fiberassign_cadence not in ('daily', 'monthly')) and (not isinstance(self.fiberassign_cadence, int))): raise ValueError('Invalid fiberassign_cadence: "{}".'.format( self.fiberassign_cadence)) nogray = getattr(config, 'tiles_nogray', False) if not isinstance(nogray, bool): nogray = nogray() self.nogray = nogray self.tiles = desisurvey.tiles.get_tiles() self.ephem = desisurvey.ephem.get_ephem() if restore is not None: # Restore the plan for a survey in progress. fullname = config.get_path(restore) if not os.path.exists(fullname): raise RuntimeError('Cannot restore planner from non-existent ' '"{}".'.format(fullname)) t = if ((len(t) != self.tiles.ntiles) or np.any(self.tiles.tileID != t['TILEID']) or np.any(self.tiles.tileRA != t['RA']) or np.any(self.tiles.tileDEC != t['DEC']) or np.any(self.tiles.tileprogram != t['PROGRAM'])): raise ValueError('mismatch between tiles and status file; ' 'should not be possible!') if self.simulate: self.first_night = desisurvey.utils.get_date(t.meta['FIRST']) self.last_night = desisurvey.utils.get_date(t.meta['LAST']) self.tile_countdown = np.zeros(self.tiles.ntiles, dtype='i4') self.tile_countdown = t['COUNTDOWN'].data.copy() if t.meta['CADENCE'] != self.fiberassign_cadence: raise ValueError('Fiberassign cadence mismatch.') self.tile_status = np.zeros(self.tiles.ntiles, dtype='U20') self.tile_status[:] = 'unobs' self.tile_status[:] = [s.strip().lower() for s in t['STATUS']] self.tile_available = self.tiles.in_desi.copy() self.tile_priority = t['PRIORITY'].data.copy() self.donefrac = t['DONEFRAC'].data.copy() self.designha = t['DESIGNHA'].data.copy() if 'AVAILABLE' in t.dtype.names: self.tile_available[:] &= t['AVAILABLE'].data.copy() self.log.debug(('Restored plan with {} unobserved, {} pending, ' 'and {} completed tiles from {}.').format( np.sum(self.donefrac <= 0), np.sum((self.donefrac > 0) & (self.tile_status != 'done')), np.sum(self.tile_status == 'done'), fullname)) else: # Initialize the plan for a a new survey. self.tile_available = self.tiles.in_desi.copy() self.donefrac = np.zeros(self.tiles.ntiles, 'f4') self.designha = load_design_hourangle() # Initialize per-tile arrays. self.tile_status = np.zeros(self.tiles.ntiles, dtype='U12') self.tile_status[:] = 'unobs' if self.simulate: self.first_night = self.last_night = None # Initailize the delay countdown for each tile. self.tile_countdown = self.tiles.fiberassign_delay.copy() # Initialize priorities. if self.rules is not None: none_started = np.zeros(self.tiles.ntiles, 'f4') self.tile_priority = self.rules.apply(none_started) else: self.tile_priority = np.ones(self.tiles.ntiles, float) if not np.any(self.tile_priority > 0): raise RuntimeError('All tile priorities are all <= 0.')
[docs] def add_pending_tile(self, tileid): """Add a newly observed, now-pending tile to the pending tile list. Updates tile availability so that this tile's neighbors will not be observed until this tile is completed. Parameters ---------- tileid : int """ idx, mask = self.tiles.index(tileid, return_mask=True) if not mask: self.log.error( ('Invalid tileid {} passed to ' 'add_pending_tile; ignoring.').format(tileid)) return overlapping = self.tiles.overlapping[idx] # if this tile's LyA decisions have already been made, # that's a problem! assert not self.tile_status[idx] == 'done' self.tile_available[overlapping] = 0
[docs] def set_donefrac(self, tileid, donefrac=None, status=None, ignore_pending=False, nobs=None): """Update planner with new tile donefrac. Parameters ---------- tileid : array 1D array of integer tileIDs to update donefrac : array 1D array of completion fractions for tiles, matching tileid, optional status : array 1D array of tile status to update; optional ignore_pending: bool do not mark newly started files as pending nobs : array 1D array of number of observations of each tile A tile with at least 1 observation will never be considered unobserved, regardless of whether it has zero donefrac. """ tileid = np.atleast_1d(tileid) if donefrac is not None: donefrac = np.atleast_1d(donefrac) if status is not None: status = np.atleast_1d(status) tileind, mask = self.tiles.index(tileid, return_mask=True) if np.any(~mask): self.log.debug('Some tiles with unknown IDs; ignoring') tileind = tileind[mask] if donefrac is not None: donefrac = donefrac[mask] if status is not None: status = status[mask] if nobs is not None: nobs = nobs[mask] if donefrac is not None: self.donefrac[tileind] = donefrac if status is not None: self.tile_status[tileind] = status if nobs is not None: m = (nobs > 0) & (self.tile_status[tileind] == 'unobs') self.tile_status[tileind[m]] = 'obsstart' if not ignore_pending and (donefrac is not None): for tileid0, donefrac0 in zip(np.array(tileid)[mask], donefrac): if donefrac0 > 0: self.add_pending_tile(tileid0)
def obsend(self): return ((self.tile_status == 'obsend') | (self.tile_status == 'done') | (self.donefrac >= self.min_snr2_fraction)) def obsend_by_program(self): tiledone = self.obsend() tiledone_by_program = np.zeros(len(self.tiles.programs), 'i4') for program in self.tiles.programs: progidx = self.tiles.program_index[program] m = self.tiles.program_mask[program] tiledone_by_program[progidx] = np.sum(tiledone[m]) return tiledone_by_program
[docs] def survey_completed(self): """Test if all tiles have been completed. """ return np.sum(self.obsend()) == np.sum(self.tiles.in_desi)
[docs] def save(self, name): """Save a snapshot of our current state that can be restored. The output file has a binary table (extname PLAN) with columns TILEID, CENTERID, PASS, RA, DEC, PROGRAM, IN_DESI, EBV_MED, DESIGNHA, PRIORITY, STATUS, and DONEFRAC. Simulations also include COUNTDOWN and header keywords CADENCE, FIRST, LAST. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of FITS file where the snapshot will be saved. The file will be saved under our configuration's output path unless name is already an absolute path. Pass the same name to the constructor's ``restore`` argument to restore this snapshot. """ config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() fullname = config.get_path(name) meta = dict(EXTNAME='TILES') if self.simulate: meta['CADENCE'] = self.fiberassign_cadence meta['FIRST'] = self.first_night.isoformat() meta['LAST'] = self.last_night.isoformat() t = self.tiles.read_tiles_table() t.meta = meta t['DESIGNHA'] = self.designha t['DESIGNHA'].format = '%7.2f' t['DESIGNHA'].description = 'Design hour angles' t['PRIORITY'] = self.tile_priority t['PRIORITY'].format = '%10.3e' t['PRIORITY'].description = 'Tile observation priority' t['STATUS'] = self.tile_status t['STATUS'].description = 'unobs, obsstart, obsend, done' t['DONEFRAC'] = self.donefrac t['DONEFRAC'].format = '%7.4f' t['DONEFRAC'].description = 'Tile completeness fraction' t['AVAILABLE'] = self.tile_available t['AVAILABLE'].description = 'Fiberassign file is available' if self.simulate: t['COUNTDOWN'] = self.tile_countdown t.write(fullname+'.tmp', overwrite=True, format='ascii.ecsv') os.rename(fullname+'.tmp', fullname) self.log.debug( ('Saved plan with {} unobserved, {} pending, and {} ' 'completed tiles from {}.').format( np.sum(self.tile_status == 'unobs'), np.sum(self.tile_status == 'obsstart'), np.sum(self.tile_status == 'done'), fullname))
[docs] def fiberassign_simulate(self, night): """Update fiber assignments. """ # Calculate the number of elapsed nights in the survey. pending = self.tile_status == 'obsend' run_now = pending & (self.tile_countdown <= 0) self.tile_status[run_now] = 'done' delayed = pending & (self.tile_countdown > 0) self.tile_countdown[delayed] -= 1 self.tile_available = self.tiles.in_desi.copy()'Completed {} tiles with {} delayed on {}.' .format(np.count_nonzero(run_now), np.count_nonzero(delayed), night))
[docs] def fiberassign(self, dirnames): r"""Update list of tiles available for spectroscopy. Scans given directory looking for fiberassign file and populates Plan object accordingly. Parameters ---------- dirnames : list list of directory names where fiberassign files are to be found This directory is recursively scanned for all files with names matching tile-(\d+)\.fits. TILEIDs are populated according to the name of the fiberassign file, and any header information is ignored. """ import glob import re files = [] for dirname in dirnames: files0 = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, '**/*.fits*'), recursive=True) files = files + files0 rgx = re.compile(r'.*fiberassign-(\d+)\.fits(\.gz)?') available_tileids = [] for fn in files: match = rgx.match(fn) if match: available_tileids.append(int( available = np.zeros(self.tiles.ntiles, dtype='bool') ind, mask = self.tiles.index(available_tileids, return_mask=True) available[ind[mask]] = True self.tile_available = self.tiles.in_desi & available'Observations possible for {} tiles.'.format( np.count_nonzero(available))) if np.count_nonzero(available) == 0: self.log.error('No fiberassign files available for scheduling!') if np.any(~mask): self.log.debug( 'Ignoring {} tiles that were assigned, '.format(sum(~mask)) + 'but not found in the tile file.')
[docs] def afternoon_plan(self, night): """Update plan for a given night. Update tile availability and priority. Parameters ---------- night : str night string, YYYY-MM-DD, to be planned. This argument has no effect for when Plan.simulate = False; in this case, tile availability and priority is based entirely on what files are currently present in the fiberassign directory and what the planner believes the current tile completions are. Returns ------- new_observed (array), new_completed (array) boolean arrays indicating newly observed and newly completed tiles. """ oldstatus = self.tile_status.copy() newlystarted = ((self.donefrac > 0) & (self.tile_status == 'unobs')) self.tile_status[newlystarted] = 'obsstart' newlyobserved = ((self.donefrac >= self.min_snr2_fraction) & ((self.tile_status == 'obsstart') | (self.tile_status == 'unobs'))) self.tile_status[newlyobserved] = 'obsend' self.log.debug(('Starting afternoon planning for {} with {} / {} ' 'tiles completed.').format( night, np.sum(self.tile_status == 'done'), self.tiles.ntiles)) if self.simulate: if self.first_night is None: # Remember the first night of the survey. self.first_night = night day_number = (night - self.first_night).days # Update fiber assignments this afternoon? if self.fiberassign_cadence == 'monthly': # Run fiber assignment on the afternoon before the full moon. dt = self.ephem.get_night(night)['nearest_full_moon'] run_fiberassign = (dt > -0.5) and (dt <= 0.5) assert run_fiberassign == self.ephem.is_full_moon( night, num_nights=1) elif isinstance(self.fiberassign_cadence, int): run_fiberassign = (day_number % self.fiberassign_cadence) == 0 else: run_fiberassign = True if run_fiberassign: self.fiberassign_simulate(night) self.last_night = night else: fiber_assign_dirs = get_fiber_assign_dir() if fiber_assign_dirs is None: raise ValueError( 'fiber_assign_dir must be set either in ' 'config.yaml or in FIBER_ASSIGN_DIR; failing!') oldavail = self.tile_available.copy() self.fiberassign(fiber_assign_dirs) filesavailable = self.tile_available.copy() self.tile_available = oldavail.copy() # Update tile priorities. if self.rules is not None: self.tile_priority = self.rules.apply(self.donefrac) self.last_night = night pending = ((self.tile_status == 'obsstart') | (self.tile_status == 'obsend')) for tileid in self.tiles.tileID[pending]: self.add_pending_tile(tileid) if self.tiles_lowpass: self.prefer_low_passnum() zeropriority = ((self.tile_status != 'unobs') & (self.tile_available == 0)) self.tile_priority[zeropriority] = 0 # tiles with priority > 0 may be designed. if not self.simulate: m = self.tile_available & ~filesavailable for prog, progmask in self.tiles.program_mask.items(): ma = m & progmask nundesigned = np.sum(ma) if nundesigned > 0: if nundesigned < 100: 'Newly available {} tiles that '.format(prog) + 'have not yet been designed: ' + ' '.join([str(x) for x in self.tiles.tileID[ma]])) else: 'There are many ({}) available {} tiles that have ' 'not been designed. Suppressing full ' 'list.'.format(nundesigned, prog)) self.tile_available[~filesavailable] = 0 newlycompleted = ((self.tile_status == 'done') & (oldstatus != 'done')) return newlystarted, newlycompleted
[docs] def prefer_low_passnum(self): """Mark only tiles available that are in the lowest pass of any overlapping tiles.""" obsend = self.obsend() mobservable = self.tile_available & ~obsend mfree = np.ones(self.tiles.ntiles, dtype='bool') passes = np.unique(self.tiles.tilepass[mobservable]) s = np.argsort(passes) for pass0 in passes[s]: mpass = self.tiles.tilepass == pass0 m = mpass & mobservable for idx in np.flatnonzero(m): if ~mfree[idx]: continue over = np.array(self.tiles.overlapping[idx], dtype='i4') mfree[over] = 0 if np.any((self.tiles.tilepass[over] < pass0) & ~obsend[over]): # unobserved, overlapping tiles with lower pass numbers. mfree[idx] = 0 self.tile_available[~mfree] = 0