Source code for desisurvey.rules

"""Manage and apply tile observing priorities using rules.
from __future__ import print_function, division

import os
import re
import collections

import yaml

import numpy as np

import astropy.table
import astropy.units as u

import desiutil.log

import desisurvey.config
import desisurvey.utils
import desisurvey.tiles

# Loads a YAML file with dictionary key ordering preserved.
# in-python-how-can-you-load-yaml-mappings-as-ordereddicts/21048064#21048064
def _ordered_load(stream, Loader=yaml.Loader,
    class OrderedLoader(Loader):
    def construct_mapping(loader, node):
        return object_pairs_hook(loader.construct_pairs(node))
    return yaml.load(stream, OrderedLoader)

[docs]class Rules(object): """Load rules from the specified file. Read tile group definitions and observing rules from the specified YAML file. Parameters ---------- file_name : str Name of YAML file containing the rules to use. A relative path refers to our configured output path. """ def __init__(self, file_name='rules.yaml'): self.log = desiutil.log.get_logger() config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() self.min_snr2_fraction = config.min_snr2_fraction() self.finish_started_priority = config.finish_started_priority() self.ignore_completed_priority = config.ignore_completed_priority() self.boost_priority_by_passnum = config.boost_priority_by_passnum() self.adjacency_priority = config.adjacency_priority() tiles = desisurvey.tiles.get_tiles() NGC = (tiles.tileRA > 75.0) & (tiles.tileRA < 300.0) SGC = ~NGC # Initialize regexp for parsing "GROUP_NAME(PROGRAM)" parser = re.compile('([^\(]+)\(([^\(]+)\)$') # Get the full path of the YAML file to read. if os.path.isabs(file_name): full_path = file_name elif os.path.exists(config.get_path(file_name)): full_path = config.get_path(file_name) else: # Locate the config file in our package data/ directory. full_path = os.path.join('data', file_name)) # Read the YAML file into memory. with open(full_path) as f: rules_dict = _ordered_load(f, yaml.SafeLoader) group_names = [] group_ids = np.zeros(tiles.ntiles, int) dec_priority = np.ones(tiles.ntiles, float) group_rules = {} group_max_orphans = {} for group_name in rules_dict: group_sel = np.ones(tiles.ntiles, bool) node = rules_dict[group_name] # Parse optional geographical attribute. cap = node.get('cap') if cap == 'N': group_sel[SGC] = False elif cap == 'S': group_sel[NGC] = False dec_min = node.get('dec_min') if dec_min is not None: group_sel[tiles.tileDEC < float(dec_min)] = False dec_max = node.get('dec_max') if dec_max is not None: group_sel[tiles.tileDEC >= float(dec_max)] = False max_orphans = node.get('max_orphans') or 0 # Parse required "passes" attribute. programs = node.get('programs') if programs is None: raise RuntimeError( 'Missing required programs for {0}.'.format(group_name)) programs = [p.strip() for p in str(programs).split(',')] for p in tiles.programs: if p not in programs: group_sel[tiles.tileprogram == p] = False # Create GROUP(PROGRAM) subgroup combinations. final_group_sel = np.zeros(tiles.ntiles, bool) for p in programs: program_name = '{0}({1})'.format(group_name, p) group_names.append(program_name) group_id = len(group_names) program_sel = group_sel & (tiles.tileprogram == p) # Remove any tiles in this pass that have already been assigned # to a previously defined subgroup. program_sel[program_sel] &= ~(group_ids[program_sel] != 0) final_group_sel |= program_sel group_ids[program_sel] = group_id group_rules[program_name] = {'START': 0.0} group_max_orphans[program_name] = max_orphans # Some tiles may be dropped by covering requirements in this # or previous groups. assert not np.any(~group_sel & final_group_sel) group_sel = final_group_sel # Calculate priority multipliers to implement optional DEC ordering. dec_order = node.get('dec_order') if dec_order is not None and np.any(group_sel): dec_group = tiles.tileDEC[group_sel] lo, hi = np.min(dec_group), np.max(dec_group) slope = float(dec_order) if lo == hi: dec_priority[group_sel] = 1.0 elif slope > 0: dec_priority[group_sel] = ( 1 + slope * (hi-dec_group) / (hi-lo)) else: dec_priority[group_sel] = ( 1 - slope * (dec_group-lo) / (hi-lo)) else: assert np.all(dec_priority[group_sel] == 1) # Parse rules for this group. rules = node.get('rules') if rules is None: raise RuntimeError( 'Missing required rules for {0}.'.format(group_name)) for target in rules: target_parsed = parser.match(target) if not target_parsed or target_parsed.groups(1) == group_name: raise RuntimeError('Invalid rule target: {0}'.format(target)) for trigger in rules[target]: if trigger != 'START': trigger_parsed = parser.match(trigger) if not trigger_parsed: raise RuntimeError( 'Invalid rule trigger: {0}.'.format(trigger)) try: new_weight = float(rules[target][trigger]) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError( 'Invalid new weight for trigger {0}: {1}.' .format(trigger, rules[target][trigger])) assert target in group_rules group_rules[target][trigger] = new_weight # Check that all tiles are assigned to exactly one group. if np.any(group_ids == 0): orphans = (group_ids == 0) & (tiles.in_desi) programs = ','.join([str(s) for s in np.unique(tiles.tileprogram[orphans])]) self.log.warning( '{0} tiles in passes {1} not assigned to any group. These ' 'tiles will be given zero priority. ' .format(np.count_nonzero(orphans), programs)) # Check that all rule triggers are valid subgroup names. for name in group_names: for target in group_rules[name]: if target == 'START': continue if target not in group_names: raise RuntimeError( 'Invalid target {0} in {1} rule.'.format(target, name)) self.group_names = group_names self.group_ids = group_ids self.group_rules = group_rules self.dec_priority = dec_priority self.group_max_orphans = group_max_orphans
[docs] def apply(self, donefrac): """Apply rules to determine tile priorites based on those completed so far. Parameters ---------- completed : array Boolean array of per-tile completion status. Returns ------- array Array of per-tile observing priorities. """ tiles = desisurvey.tiles.get_tiles() nogray = tiles.nogray # First pass through groups to check trigger conditions. triggered = {'START': True} notilescoveredrules = [] for i, name in enumerate(self.group_names): gid = i+1 group_sel = self.group_ids == gid if not np.any(group_sel): notilescoveredrules.append(name) ngroup = np.count_nonzero(group_sel) completed = donefrac >= self.min_snr2_fraction ndone = np.count_nonzero(completed[group_sel]) max_orphans = self.group_max_orphans[name] triggered[name] = (ndone + max_orphans >= ngroup) notilescoveredrules = [x for x in notilescoveredrules if not nogray or '(GRAY)' not in name] if len(notilescoveredrules) > 0: self.log.debug('No tiles covered by rules {}'.format( ' '.join(notilescoveredrules))) # Second pass through groups to apply rules. priorities = np.zeros_like(self.dec_priority) for gid, name in zip(np.unique(self.group_ids), self.group_names): priority = 0 for condition, value in self.group_rules[name].items(): if triggered[condition]: priority = max(priority, value) sel = self.group_ids == gid priorities[sel] = priority * self.dec_priority[sel] priorities *= (1 + self.boost_priority_by_passnum)**tiles.tilepass priorities *= (1 + self.finish_started_priority*(donefrac > 0)) neighborfrac = completed_neighbor_fraction( tiles, donefrac >= self.min_snr2_fraction) priorities *= (1 + self.adjacency_priority*neighborfrac) if self.ignore_completed_priority > 0: priorities *= np.where(donefrac >= self.min_snr2_fraction, self.ignore_completed_priority, 1) priorities *= tiles.priority_boostfac return priorities
def completed_neighbor_fraction(tiles, completed): cache = getattr(completed_neighbor_fraction, 'neighborcache', None) if cache is None: n1 = np.repeat(np.arange(len(tiles.neighbors)), [len(x) for x in tiles.neighbors]) n2 = np.concatenate([x for x in tiles.neighbors if len(x) > 0]) completed_neighbor_fraction.neighborcache = (n1, n2) else: n1, n2 = cache if len(completed) != tiles.ntiles: raise ValueError('shape mismatch between completed and tiles!') res = np.bincount(n1, weights=completed[n2], minlength=len(tiles.neighbors)) nneighbor = np.bincount(n1, minlength=len(tiles.neighbors)) res = res / (nneighbor + (nneighbor == 0)) return res