Source code for desisurvey.scheduler

"""Schedule observations during an observing night.

This module supercedes desisurvey.old.schedule.
from __future__ import print_function, division

import os.path

import numpy as np

import astropy.units as u

import desiutil.log

import desisurvey.config
import desisurvey.utils
import desisurvey.etc
import desisurvey.tiles
import desisurvey.ephem

[docs]class Scheduler(object): """Create a new next-tile scheduler. Design hour angles are read from the output of ``surveyinit`` using :func:`desisurvey.plan.load_design_hourangle`, by default. The only internal state needed by the scheduler is the list of accumulated SNR2 fractions per tile, which can be restored from a file created using :meth:`save`. A newly created or restored scheduler must be configured with :meth:`init_night` (to precompute data for a night's observing) before tiles can be selected. Use :meth:`next_tile` to select the next tile to observe during a night. If the tile is observed, the internal state must be updated with a call to :meth:`update_snr`. Parameters ---------- plan : desisurvey.plan.Plan instance to use for planning log : log object to use """ def __init__(self, plan, log=None): if log is None: self.log = desiutil.log.get_logger() else: self.log = log # Load our configuration. config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() ignore_completed_priority = getattr(config, 'ignore_completed_priority', -1) if not isinstance(ignore_completed_priority, int): ignore_completed_priority = ignore_completed_priority() self.ignore_completed_priority = ignore_completed_priority self.select_program_by_speed = config.select_program_by_speed() self.dark_expfac_cut = config.programs.DARK.expfac_cut() self.bright_expfac_cut = config.programs.BRIGHT.expfac_cut() nogray = getattr(config, 'tiles_nogray', False) if not isinstance(nogray, bool): nogray = nogray() self.nogray = nogray self.min_snr2frac = config.min_snr2_fraction() self.max_airmass = desisurvey.utils.cos_zenith_to_airmass(np.sin(config.min_altitude())) self.max_ha = config.max_hour_angle().to(u.deg).value # Load static tile info. self.tiles = desisurvey.tiles.get_tiles() ntiles = self.tiles.ntiles d2x = self.tiles.airmass_second_derivative(0) self.scale_dha_penalty_sigma = np.clip(np.sqrt(1/d2x)/60, 0.5, 1) self.plan = plan # Allocate memory for internal arrays. self.exposure_factor = np.zeros(ntiles) self.slewtimes = np.zeros(ntiles) self.hourangle = np.zeros(ntiles) self.airmass = np.zeros(ntiles) self.in_night_pool = np.zeros(ntiles, bool) self.tile_sel = np.zeros(ntiles, bool) self.LST = 0. self.night = None # Load the ephemerides to use. self.ephem = desisurvey.ephem.get_ephem() self.nominal_exposure_time_sec = ( desisurvey.tiles.get_nominal_program_times(self.tiles.tileprogram)) self.maxtime = config.maxtime() if getattr(config, 'slew_penalty_scale', None) is not None: self.slew_penalty_scale = config.slew_penalty_scale() else: self.slew_penalty_scale = 400 esttime = (self.nominal_exposure_time_sec/86400 * self.tiles.dust_factor) airmassnom = self.tiles.airmass(self.plan.designha) esttime *= desisurvey.etc.airmass_exposure_factor(airmassnom) self.esttime = esttime sbprof = [] for prog in self.tiles.tileprogram: progconf = getattr(config.programs, prog, None) if progconf is None: sbprof.append('ELG') else: sbprof.append(progconf.sbprof()) self.sbprof = np.array(sbprof) # Lookup avoidance cone angles. self.avoid_bodies = {} for body in config.avoid_bodies.keys: self.avoid_bodies[body] = getattr(config.avoid_bodies, body)().to(u.deg).value
[docs] def init_night(self, night, use_twilight=False): """Initialize scheduling for the specified night. Must be called before calls to :meth:`next_tile`. The pool of available tiles during the night consists of those that: - Have fibers assigned. - Have non-zero priority (aka "planned"). - Have not already reached their target SNR (aka "completed"). - Are not too close to a planet during this night. Tile priority is assumed fixed during the night. When the moon is up, tiles are also vetoed if they are too close to the moon. The angles that define "too close" to a planet or the moon are specified in config.avoid_bodies. Parameters ---------- night : str Date on the evening this night starts in the format YYYY-MM-DD. use_twilight : bool Include twilight when calculating the scheduled program changes during this night when True. verbose : bool Generate verbose logging output when True. """ self.log.debug('Initializing scheduler for {}'.format(night)) if self.plan.tile_available is None or self.plan.tile_priority is None: raise RuntimeError('No tiles available!') self.night = night self.night_ephem = self.ephem.get_night(night) midnight = self.night_ephem['noon'] + 0.5 # Lookup the program for this night. self.night_programs, self.night_changes = self.ephem.get_night_program( night, include_twilight=use_twilight) self.log.debug(' Program: {}'.format(self.night_programs)) self.log.debug(' Changes: {}'.format(np.round(24 * (self.night_changes - midnight), 3))) # Initialize linear interpolation of MJD -> LST in degrees during this night. self.MJD0, MJD1 = self.night_ephem['brightdusk'], self.night_ephem['brightdawn'] self.LST0, LST1 = [ self.night_ephem['brightdusk_LST'], self.night_ephem['brightdawn_LST']] self.dLST = (LST1 - self.LST0) / (MJD1 - self.MJD0) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): self.log_priority = np.log(self.plan.tile_priority) # Initialize the pool of tiles that could be observed this night. self.in_night_pool[:] = ((self.plan.tile_priority > 0) & self.plan.tile_available) if self.ignore_completed_priority <= 0: self.in_night_pool &= ~self.plan.obsend() # Check if any tiles cannot be observed because they are too close to a planet this night. poolRA = self.tiles.tileRA[self.in_night_pool] poolDEC = self.tiles.tileDEC[self.in_night_pool] avoid_idx = [] for body in self.avoid_bodies: if body == 'moon': continue # Get body (RA,DEC) at midnight. bodyDEC, bodyRA = desisurvey.ephem.get_object_interpolator( self.night_ephem, body, altaz=False)(midnight) too_close = desisurvey.utils.separation_matrix( [bodyRA], [bodyDEC], poolRA, poolDEC, self.avoid_bodies[body])[0] if np.any(too_close): idx = np.where(self.in_night_pool)[0][too_close] tileIDs = self.tiles.tileID[idx] self.log.debug(' Tiles within {} deg of {}: {}.'.format( self.avoid_bodies[body], body, ','.join([str(ID) for ID in tileIDs]))) avoid_idx.extend(idx) self.in_night_pool[avoid_idx] = False # Initialize moon tracking during this night. self.moon_DECRA = desisurvey.ephem.get_object_interpolator(self.night_ephem, 'moon', altaz=False)
#self.moon_ALTAZ = desisurvey.ephem.get_object_interpolator(self.night_ephem, 'moon', altaz=True) def conditions_to_program(self, seeing, transparency, skylevel, airmass=1, speed=None): if (seeing is None) or (transparency is None) or (skylevel is None): return 'BRIGHT' if (speed is None or speed.get('DARK') is None or speed.get('BRIGHT') is None): expfac_dark = desisurvey.etc.seeing_exposure_factor( seeing, sbprof='ELG')*skylevel/transparency**2 if expfac_dark < self.dark_expfac_cut: return 'DARK' expfac_bright = desisurvey.etc.seeing_exposure_factor( seeing, sbprof='BGS')*skylevel/transparency**2 if expfac_bright < self.bright_expfac_cut: return 'BRIGHT' else: if speed['DARK'] > 1/self.dark_expfac_cut: return 'DARK' elif speed['BRIGHT'] > 1/self.bright_expfac_cut: return 'BRIGHT' return 'BACKUP'
[docs] def select_program(self, mjd_now, ETC, verbose=False, seeing=None, transparency=None, skylevel=None, airmass=None, speed=None): """Select program to observe now. """ if mjd_now < self.night_changes[0]: if verbose: self.log.warning('Tile requested before start of night.') if mjd_now > self.night_changes[-1]: if verbose: self.log.warning('Tile requested after end of night.') if self.select_program_by_speed: program = self.conditions_to_program( seeing, transparency, skylevel, airmass=airmass, speed=speed) if ((program == 'DARK') and (mjd_now < self.night_ephem['dusk'])): return 'BRIGHT', self.night_changes[-1] if ((program == 'DARK') and (mjd_now + 300/86400 > self.night_ephem['dawn'])): return 'BRIGHT', self.night_changes[-1] # if we got here, conditions are good; it's okay to stay here # until dawn. Moonrise would be another case, but the moon starts # low and the next tile will move on if conditions are bad enough. if program == 'DARK': mjd_program_end = self.night_ephem['dawn'] else: mjd_program_end = self.night_changes[-1] return program, mjd_program_end # select program based on ephemerides, not conditions. idx = 0 while ((idx + 1 < len(self.night_changes)) and (mjd_now >= self.night_changes[idx + 1])): idx += 1 idx = min(len(self.night_programs)-1, idx) program = self.night_programs[idx] # How much time remaining in this program? mjd_program_end = self.night_changes[idx + 1] # switch to next program if less than 5 min left in this program. # to do better here we need to think about the nominal exposure length # in each program. # and we're going to redo this thinking shortly when we switch to # speed based program selection. nommidpt = mjd_now + 300/86400 if (nommidpt > mjd_program_end) & (idx != len(self.night_programs)-1): idx += 1 program = self.night_programs[idx] mjd_program_end = self.night_changes[idx + 1] return program, mjd_program_end
[docs] def next_tile(self, mjd_now, ETC, seeing, transp, skylevel, HA_sigma=15., greediness=0., program=None, verbose=False, current_ra=None, current_dec=None, speed=None): r"""Select the next tile to observe. The :meth:`init_night` method must be called before calling this method during a night. The (log) score for each observable tile is calculated as: .. math:: -(1 - g)\,\frac{1}{2} \left( \frac{\text{HA} - \text{HA}_0}{\sigma_{\text{HA}}} \right)^2 - g \log \frac{t_\text{exp}}{t_\text{nom}} + \log P where :math:`\text{HA}` and :math:`\text{HA}_0` are the current and design hour angles, respectively, :math:`g` is the ``greediness`` parameter below, and :math:`P` are the tile priorities used to implement survey strategy. Parameters ---------- mjd_now : float Time when the decision is being made. ETC : :class:`desisurvey.etc.ExposureTimeCalculator` Object with methods ``could_complete()`` and ``weather_factor()``. Normally an instance of :class:`desisurvey.etc.ExposureTimeCalculator`. seeing : float Estimate of current atmospherid seeing in arcseconds. transp : float Estimate of current atmospheric transparency in the range 0-1. HA_sigma : float RMS in degrees for the Gaussian penalty applied to tiles observed away from their design hour angle. greediness : float Parameter that controls the balance between observing at the design hour angle and observing tiles with the small exposure-time factor. Set this value to zero to only consider hour angle or to one to only consider isntantaneous efficiency. The meaning of intermediate values will depend on the value of ``HA_sigma`` and how exposure factors are calculated. Refer to the equation above for details. Must be between 0 and 1. program : string PROGRAM of tile to select. Default of None selects the appropriate PROGRAM given current moon/twilight conditions. Forcing a particular program leads PROGEND to be infinity. current_ra : float current ra of telescope; used for computing penalties to long slews current_dec : float current dec of telescope; used for computing penalties to long slews speed : dict dictionary of DARK, BRIGHT, BACKUP, giving current estimated survey speeds in each program. If present, used instead of transp/skylevel/seeing to estimate exposure times and pick programs. Returns ------- tuple Tuple (TILEID,PROGRAM,DONEFRAC,EXPFAC,AIRMASS,PROGRAM,PROGEND) giving the ID and associated properties of the selected tile. When no tile is observable, only the last two tuple fields will be valid, and this method should be called again after some dead-time delay. The tuple fields are: - TILEID: ID of the tile to observe. - PROGRAM: program of the tile to observe. - DONEFRAC: fractional SNR2 already accumulated for the selected tile. - EXPFAC: initial exposure-time factor for the selected tile. - AIRMASS: initial airmass of the selected tile. - SCHEDPROGRAM: scheduled program at ``mjd_now``, which might be different from the program of the selected (TILEID, PASSNUM). - PROGEND: MJD timestamp when the scheduled program ends. """ if self.night is None: raise ValueError('Must call init_night() before next_tile().') if greediness < 0 or greediness > 1: raise ValueError('Expected greediness between 0 and 1.') self.tile_sel = np.ones(self.tiles.ntiles, dtype=bool) if program is None: # Which program are we in? program, mjd_program_end = self.select_program( mjd_now, ETC, verbose=verbose, seeing=seeing, skylevel=skylevel, transparency=transp, speed=speed) self.tile_sel &= self.tiles.allowed_in_conditions(program) if verbose: 'Selecting a tile observable in {} conditions.'.format( program)) else: self.tile_sel &= self.tiles.program_mask[program] mjd_program_end = self.night_changes[-1] # end of night? # Select available tiles in this program. self.tile_sel &= self.in_night_pool & (self.plan.tile_available > 0) if not np.any(self.tile_sel): if verbose: self.log.warning('No available tiles in requested program.') return None, None, None, None, None, program, mjd_program_end # Is the moon up? if mjd_now > self.night_ephem['moonrise'] and mjd_now < self.night_ephem['moonset']: moon_is_up = True # Calculate the moon (RA,DEC). moonDEC, moonRA = self.moon_DECRA(mjd_now) # Identify tiles that are too close to the moon to observe now. too_close = desisurvey.utils.separation_matrix( [moonRA], [moonDEC], self.tiles.tileRA[self.tile_sel], self.tiles.tileDEC[self.tile_sel], self.avoid_bodies['moon'])[0] idx = np.where(self.tile_sel)[0][too_close] self.tile_sel[idx] = False if not np.any(self.tile_sel): if verbose: self.log.warning('No tiles left to observe after moon ' 'separation cut.') # No tiles left to observe after moon avoidance veto. return None, None, None, None, None, program, mjd_program_end else: moon_is_up = False # Calculate the local apparent sidereal time in degrees. self.LST = self.LST0 + self.dLST * (mjd_now - self.MJD0) # Calculate the hour angle of each available tile in degrees. sbprof = self.sbprof[self.tile_sel][0] if ((not np.all(self.sbprof[self.tile_sel] == sbprof)) and (not self.tiles.bright_allowed_in_dark)): self.log.warning('Multiple SBPROF in same selection.') if speed is None: weather_factor = ETC.weather_factor(seeing, transp, skylevel, sbprof=sbprof) else: if program not in speed: self.log.warning('speed dictionary does not contain program %s' % program) weather_factor = speed['DARK'] else: weather_factor = speed[program] esttime = self.esttime[self.tile_sel] / weather_factor esttime = np.clip(esttime, 0, airmassnow = self.tiles.airmass( self.LST - self.tiles.tileRA[self.tile_sel], self.tile_sel) self.hourangle[:] = 0. self.hourangle[self.tile_sel] = ( self.LST + 360*esttime/2 - self.tiles.tileRA[self.tile_sel]) # Calculate the airmass of each available tile. self.airmass[:] = self.max_airmass airmassnom = self.tiles.airmass( self.hourangle[self.tile_sel], self.tile_sel) self.airmass[self.tile_sel] = airmassnom self.tile_sel[self.tile_sel] &= ( (airmassnow < self.max_airmass) & (airmassnom < self.max_airmass)) absha = np.abs(((self.hourangle + 180) % 360)-180) self.tile_sel &= (absha < self.max_ha) if not np.any(self.tile_sel): if verbose: self.log.warning('No tiles left to observe after HA/airmass cut.') return None, None, None, None, None, program, mjd_program_end if current_ra is not None: self.slewtimes[:] = 1e8 self.slewtimes[self.tile_sel] = desisurvey.utils.slewtime( current_ra*np.ones(np.sum(self.tile_sel)), current_dec*np.ones(np.sum(self.tile_sel)), self.tiles.tileRA[self.tile_sel], self.tiles.tileDEC[self.tile_sel], ignore_positive_ra=True) else: self.slewtimes[:] = 0 # Estimate exposure factors for all available tiles. self.exposure_factor[:] = 1e8 self.exposure_factor[self.tile_sel] = self.tiles.dust_factor[self.tile_sel] self.exposure_factor[self.tile_sel] *= desisurvey.etc.airmass_exposure_factor(self.airmass[self.tile_sel]) # Apply global weather factors that are the same for all tiles. self.exposure_factor[self.tile_sel] /= weather_factor if not np.any(self.tile_sel): return None, None, None, None, None, program, mjd_program_end # Calculate (the log of a) Gaussian multiplicative penalty for # observing tiles away from their design hour angle. dHA = (self.hourangle[self.tile_sel] - self.plan.designha[self.tile_sel]) dHA[dHA >= 180.] -= 360 dHA[dHA < -180] += 360 assert np.all((dHA >= -180) & (dHA < 180)) # Calculate a score that combines dHA and instantaneous efficiency. # penalize high airmass tiles more for being away from their design # hour angles; it's important to get these very close to their design # angles. HA_sigma = HA_sigma * self.scale_dha_penalty_sigma[self.tile_sel] log_score = ( -0.5 * (dHA / HA_sigma) ** 2 * (1 - greediness) + -np.log(self.exposure_factor[self.tile_sel]) * greediness) # Add tile priorities. log_score += self.log_priority[self.tile_sel] log_score += -self.slewtimes[self.tile_sel] / self.slew_penalty_scale idx = np.where(self.tile_sel)[0][np.argmax(log_score)] # Return info about the selected tile and scheduled program. return (self.tiles.tileID[idx], self.tiles.tileprogram[idx], self.plan.donefrac[idx], self.exposure_factor[idx], self.airmass[idx], program, mjd_program_end)
[docs] def update_snr(self, tileID, donefrac): """Update SNR for one tile. A tile whose update ``donefrac`` exceeds the ``min_snr2frac`` configuration parameter will be considered completed, and not scheduled for future observing. Parameters ---------- tileID : int ID of the tile to update. donefrac : float New value of the fractional SNR2 accumulated for this tile, including all previous exposures. """ idx = self.tiles.index(tileID) self.plan.set_donefrac([tileID], [donefrac]) if donefrac >= self.min_snr2frac: if self.ignore_completed_priority <= 0: self.in_night_pool[idx] = False else: self.plan.tile_priority[idx] = self.ignore_completed_priority