Source code for desisurvey.tileqa

import os
import glob
import numpy as np
from desimodel import focalplane
from import fits
from desitarget import targetmask
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.table import Table

basetiledtype = [
    ('TILEID', 'i4'), ('RA', 'f8'), ('DEC', 'f8'), ('PASS', 'i4'),
    ('IN_DESI', 'bool'), ('EBV_MED', 'f4'), ('AIRMASS', 'f4'),
    ('STAR_DENSITY', 'f4'), ('EXPOSEFAC', 'f4'),
    ('PROGRAM', 'U20'), ('OBSCONDITIONS', 'i4')]
addtiledtype = [
    ('BRIGHTRA', '3f8'), ('BRIGHTDEC', '3f8'), ('BRIGHTVTMAG', '3f4'),
    ('CENTERID', 'i4'), ('IMAGEFRAC_G', 'f4'), ('IMAGEFRAC_R', 'f4'),
    ('IMAGEFRAC_Z', 'f4'), ('IMAGEFRAC_GR', 'f4'), ('IMAGEFRAC_GRZ', 'f4'),
    ('IN_IMAGING', 'f4')]

[docs]def match2d(x1, y1, x2, y2, rad): """Find all matches between x1, y1 and x2, y2 within radius rad.""" from scipy.spatial import cKDTree xx1 = np.stack([x1, y1], axis=1) xx2 = np.stack([x2, y2], axis=1) tree1 = cKDTree(xx1) tree2 = cKDTree(xx2) res = tree1.query_ball_tree(tree2, rad) lens = [len(r) for r in res] m1 = np.repeat(np.arange(len(x1), dtype='i4'), lens) if sum([len(r) for r in res]) == 0: m2 = m1.copy() else: m2 = np.concatenate([r for r in res if len(r) > 0]) d12 = np.sqrt(np.sum((xx1[m1, :]-xx2[m2, :])**2, axis=1)) return m1, m2, d12
def lb2uv(r, d): return tp2uv(*lb2tp(r, d)) def uv2lb(uv): return tp2lb(*uv2tp(uv)) def uv2tp(uv): norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(uv**2., axis=1)) uv = uv / norm.reshape(-1, 1) t = np.arccos(uv[:, 2]) p = np.arctan2(uv[:, 1], uv[:, 0]) return t, p def lb2tp(l, b): return (90.-b)*np.pi/180., l*np.pi/180. def tp2lb(t, p): return p*180./np.pi % 360., 90.-t*180./np.pi def tp2uv(t, p): z = np.cos(t) x = np.cos(p)*np.sin(t) y = np.sin(p)*np.sin(t) return np.concatenate([q[..., np.newaxis] for q in (x, y, z)], axis=-1)
[docs]def match_radec(r1, d1, r2, d2, rad=1./60./60., nneighbor=0, notself=False): """Match r1, d1, to r2, d2, within radius rad.""" if notself and nneighbor > 0: nneighbor += 1 uv1 = lb2uv(r1, d1) uv2 = lb2uv(r2, d2) from scipy.spatial import cKDTree tree = cKDTree(uv2) dub = 2*np.sin(np.radians(rad)/2) if nneighbor > 0: d12, m2 = tree.query(uv1, nneighbor, distance_upper_bound=dub) if nneighbor > 1: m2 = m2.reshape(-1) d12 = d12.reshape(-1) m1 = np.arange(len(r1)*nneighbor, dtype='i4') // nneighbor d12 = 2*np.arcsin(np.clip(d12 / 2, 0, 1))*180/np.pi m = m2 < len(r2) else: tree1 = cKDTree(uv1) res = tree.query_ball_tree(tree1, dub) lens = [len(r) for r in res] m2 = np.repeat(np.arange(len(r2), dtype='i4'), lens) res = [r for r in res if len(r) > 0] if len(res) > 0: m1 = np.concatenate(res) else: m1 = np.zeros(0, dtype='i4') d12 = gc_dist(r1[m1], d1[m1], r2[m2], d2[m2]) m = np.ones(len(m1), dtype='bool') if notself: m = m & (m1 != m2) return m1[m], m2[m], d12[m]
[docs]class subslices: "Iterator for looping over subsets of an array" def __init__(self, data, uind=None): if uind is None: self.uind = np.unique(data, return_index=True)[1] else: self.uind = uind.copy() self.ind = 0 self.length = len(data) def __iter__(self): return self def __len__(self): return len(self.uind) def next(self): if self.ind == len(self.uind): raise StopIteration if self.ind == len(self.uind)-1: last = self.length else: last = self.uind[self.ind+1] first = self.uind[self.ind] self.ind += 1 return first, last def __next__(self): return
[docs]def render(ra, dec, tilera, tiledec, fiberposfile=None, oneperim=False, excludebad=False): """Return number of possible observations of ra, dec, given focal plane centers tilera, tiledec.""" out = np.zeros_like(ra, dtype='i4') mg, mt, dgt = match_radec(ra, dec, tilera, tiledec, 1.65) s = np.argsort(mt) if fiberposfile is None: fiberposfile = os.path.join(os.environ['DESIMODEL'], 'data', 'focalplane', 'fiberpos.fits') fpos = fits.getdata(fiberposfile) if excludebad: import _, _, state, _ = _, ms, mf = np.intersect1d(state['LOCATION'], fpos['LOCATION'], return_indices=True) keep = np.zeros(len(fpos), dtype='bool') keep[mf] = state['STATE'][ms] == 0 fpos = fpos[keep] for f, l in subslices(mt[s]): tileno = mt[s[f]] ind = mg[s[f:l]] x, y = focalplane.radec2xy(tilera[tileno], tiledec[tileno], ra[ind], dec[ind]) mx, mf, dxf = match2d(x, y, fpos['x'], fpos['y'], 6) if oneperim: mx = np.unique(mx) # much slower than my custom-rolled version! out += np.bincount(ind[mx], minlength=len(out)) return out
def render_simple(ra, dec, tilera, tiledec): out = np.zeros_like(ra, dtype='i4') mg, mt, dgt = match_radec(ra, dec, tilera, tiledec, 1.63) out += np.bincount(mg, minlength=len(out)) return out
[docs]def adjacency_matrix(tilera, tiledec, fiberposfile=None): """Overlap area matrix between slit blocks and radial bins, given tile ras and decs.""" # compute x & y on each tile to ra & dec # match ras and decs together at some fiducial size # (this ignores ellipticity, etc., but the slite blocks are pretty big) # if fiberposfile is None: fiberposfile = os.path.join(os.environ['DESIMODEL'], 'data', 'focalplane', 'fiberpos.fits') fpos = fits.getdata(fiberposfile) # really slow, not vectorized. pos = [[focalplane.xy2radec(tra, tdec, fx, fy) for fx, fy in zip(fpos['x'], fpos['y'])] for tra, tdec in zip(tilera, tiledec)] pos = np.array(pos) ras = pos[:, :, 0].ravel() decs = pos[:, :, 1].ravel() slitno = np.tile(fpos['slitblock']+fpos['petal']*20, len(tilera)) radbin = np.floor(np.sqrt(fpos['x']**2+fpos['y']**2)/20).astype('i4') radbin = np.tile(radbin, len(tilera)) expnum = np.repeat(np.arange(len(tilera)), len(fpos)) rad = 1.4/60 m1, m2, d12 = match_radec(ras, decs, ras, decs, rad, notself=True) m = expnum[m1] != expnum[m2] m1 = m1[m] m2 = m2[m] d12 = d12[m] # area of intersection of two equal-size circles? # area: 2r^2 arccos(d/2r)-0.5 d sqrt((2r-d)(2r+d)) area = (2*rad**2*np.arccos(d12/2./rad) - 0.5*d12*np.sqrt((2*rad-d12)*(2*rad+d12))) nslitno = np.max(slitno)+1 nradbin = np.max(radbin)+1 adj = np.zeros(nslitno**2, dtype='f4') adjr = np.zeros(nradbin**2, dtype='f4') ind = slitno[m1]*nslitno+slitno[m2] indr = radbin[m1]*nradbin+radbin[m2] adj += np.bincount(ind, weights=area[m1], minlength=len(adj)) adj = adj.reshape(nslitno, nslitno) adjr += np.bincount(indr, weights=area[m1], minlength=len(adjr)) adjr = adjr.reshape(nradbin, nradbin) return adj, adjr
[docs]def simpleradecoffscheme(ras, decs, dx=0.6, ang=42): """Box ra and dec scheme, given a base tiling. Dithers the base tiling by fixed offsets in ra/cos(dec) and dec. Initial dither direction is given by ang. Dithers are dx in length, and the dither direction is rotated 90 degrees after each dither. The fifth dither is placed at the center of the square formed by the four previous dithers. This final set of five dithers is then duplicated, to make 10 dithers. Args: ras (ndarray[N]): base tile ras decs (ndarray[N]): base tile decs dx (float, degrees): amount to dither ang (float, degrees): position angle of initial dither Returns: ras (ndarray[N*10]): dithered tile ras decs (ndarray[N*10]): dithered tile decs """ # take a single covering # define 4 sets of offsets # start with something minimal: need to cover: # central bullseyes: 0.2 deg # GFA gaps: up to 0.4 deg from numpy import sin, cos ang = np.radians(ang) dang = np.pi/2 dithers = [[0, 0], [dx*sin(ang+0*dang), dx*cos(ang+0*dang)], [dx*sin(ang+1*dang), dx*cos(ang+1*dang)], [dx*sin(ang+2*dang), dx*cos(ang+2*dang)]] dithers = np.cumsum(np.array(dithers), axis=0) dithers = list(dithers) + [[np.mean([d[0] for d in dithers]), np.mean([d[1] for d in dithers])]] fac = 1./np.cos(np.radians(decs)) fac = np.clip(fac, 1, 360*5) # confusion near celestial pole. newras = np.concatenate([ras+d[0]*fac for d in dithers]) newdecs = np.concatenate([decs+d[1] for d in dithers]) newdecs = np.clip(newdecs, -np.inf, 90.) newras = newras % 360 newras = np.concatenate([newras, newras]) newdecs = np.concatenate([newdecs, newdecs]) return newras, newdecs
[docs]def logradecoffscheme(ras, decs, dx=0.6, ang=24, verbose=False, firstyearoptimized=True): """Log spiraly ra and dec dither scheme, given a base tiling. Dithers the base tiling by offsets in ra/cos(dec) and dec, by increasing amounts. Initial dither direction is given by ang of length dx. Subsequent dithers are rotated by 90 degrees and increased in length by a factor of exp(1/3). The fifth dither is placed at the center of the quadrilateral formed by the four previous dithers. This final set of five dithers is then duplicated, to make 10 dithers. Args: ras (ndarray[N]): base tile ras decs (ndarray[N]): base tile decs dx (float, degrees): amount to dither ang (float, degrees): position angle of initial dither firstyearoptimized (bool): optimize dither order for first year Returns: ras (ndarray[N*10]): dithered tile ras decs (ndarray[N*10]): dithered tile decs """ dx = dx*np.exp(np.arange(4)/3.) from numpy import sin, cos ang = np.radians(ang) dang = np.pi/2 dithers = [[0, 0], [dx[0]*sin(ang+0*dang), dx[0]*cos(ang+0*dang)], [dx[1]*sin(ang+1*dang), dx[1]*cos(ang+1*dang)], [dx[2]*sin(ang+2*dang), dx[2]*cos(ang+2*dang)]] dithers = np.cumsum(np.array(dithers), axis=0) dithers -= np.mean(dithers, axis=0).reshape(1, -1) dithers = [[0, 0]] + list(dithers) if verbose: for dra, ddec in dithers: print(r'%6.3f & %6.3f \\' % (dra, ddec)) fac = 1./np.cos(np.radians(decs)) fac = np.clip(fac, 1, 360*5) # confusion near celestial pole. newras = np.concatenate([ras+d[0]*fac for d in dithers]) newdecs = np.concatenate([decs+d[1] for d in dithers]) m = newdecs > 90 newdecs[m] = 90-(newdecs[m]-90) newras[m] += 180. m = newdecs < -90 newdecs[m] = -90+(-90-newdecs[m]) newras[m] += 180. if np.any((newdecs > 90) | (newdecs < -90)): raise ValueError('Something is wrong!') newras = newras % 360 newras2 = np.concatenate([ newras[len(ras):], newras[:len(ras)]]) newdecs2 = np.concatenate([ newdecs[len(ras):], newdecs[:len(ras)]]) # for duplicate 5 passes, change order slightly. # the zeroth and ninth passes are now the passes that are at the centers # of the other 4 passes. This makes passes 1-4 and passes 5-7 somewhat # better optimized for complete coverage. newras = np.concatenate([newras, newras2]) newdecs = np.concatenate([newdecs, newdecs2]) if firstyearoptimized: permute = {0: 2, 1: 3, 2: 4, 3: 0, 4: 1} rasyr1 = newras.copy() decsyr1 = newdecs.copy() ntile = len(ras) for npass, opass in permute.items(): rasyr1[npass*ntile:(npass+1)*ntile] = ( newras[opass*ntile:(opass+1)*ntile]) decsyr1[npass*ntile:(npass+1)*ntile] = ( newdecs[opass*ntile:(opass+1)*ntile]) newras = rasyr1 newdecs = decsyr1 return newras, newdecs
def gc_dist(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2): from numpy import sin, cos, arcsin, sqrt lon1 = np.radians(lon1) lat1 = np.radians(lat1) lon2 = np.radians(lon2) lat2 = np.radians(lat2) return np.degrees( 2*arcsin(sqrt((sin((lat1-lat2)*0.5))**2 + cos(lat1)*cos(lat2)*(sin((lon1-lon2)*0.5))**2)))
[docs]def qa(desitiles, nside=1024, npts=1000, compare=False, npass=5, makenew=True, oneperim=False): """Make tiling QA plots; demonstrate usage.""" import healpy theta, phi = healpy.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(12*nside**2)) la, ba = phi*180./np.pi, 90-theta*180./np.pi if (('CENTERID' in desitiles.dtype.names) and np.any(desitiles['TILEID'] > 0)): m0 = desitiles['CENTERID'] == desitiles['TILEID'] m5pass = (desitiles['PASS'] < npass) else: m0 = (desitiles['PASS'] == 0) & (desitiles['PROGRAM'] == 'dark') m5pass = ((desitiles['PASS'] < npass) & (desitiles['PROGRAM'] == 'dark')) if makenew: ran, decn = logradecoffscheme(desitiles['RA'][m0], desitiles['DEC'][m0], dx=0.6, ang=24) else: ran, decn = desitiles['RA'], desitiles['DEC'] tilerd = {} if compare: tilerd['default'] = (desitiles['RA'], desitiles['DEC']) tilerd['Tiles v3'] = (ran, decn) ims = {name: render(la, ba, rd[0][m5pass], rd[1][m5pass], oneperim=oneperim) for name, rd in tilerd.items()} pseudoindesi = ((gc_dist(la, ba, 180, 30) < 40) | (gc_dist(la, ba, 0, 5) < 30)) from matplotlib import pyplot as p p.figure('One Footprint') setup_print((5, 4), scalefont=1.2) p.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15) delt = 1.8 dg, rg = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-delt, delt, npts), np.linspace(-delt, delt, npts)) dpts = 4./(npts - 1) p.clf() tim = render(rg.ravel(), dg.ravel(), np.zeros(1), np.zeros(1), oneperim=oneperim) tim = tim.reshape(rg.shape) p.imshow(tim.T, cmap='binary', origin='lower', extent=[-delt-dpts/2, delt+dpts/2, -delt-dpts/2, delt+dpts/2]) p.gca().set_aspect('equal') p.xlabel(r'$\alpha$ ($\degree$)') p.ylabel(r'$\delta$ ($\degree$)') p.savefig('onefootprint.png', dpi=200) p.savefig('onefootprint.pdf', dpi=200) p.figure('One Center') delt = 2.3 setup_print((5, 4), scalefont=1.2) p.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15) zzind = np.argmin( gc_dist(desitiles['RA'][m0], desitiles['DEC'][m0], 0, 0)) monecen = (m5pass & (desitiles['CENTERID'] == desitiles['CENTERID'][m0][zzind])) xcen = desitiles['RA'][m0][zzind] ycen = desitiles['DEC'][m0][zzind] dg, rg = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-delt+ycen, delt+ycen, npts), np.linspace(-delt+xcen, delt+xcen, npts)) dpts = 4./(npts - 1) p.clf() tim = render(rg.ravel(), dg.ravel(), ran[monecen], decn[monecen], oneperim=oneperim) tim = tim.reshape(rg.shape) p.imshow(tim.T, cmap='binary', origin='lower', extent=[-delt-dpts/2+xcen, delt+dpts/2+xcen, -delt-dpts/2+ycen, delt+dpts/2+ycen]) p.scatter(((ran[monecen]+180) % 360)-180, decn[monecen], c=desitiles['PASS'][monecen]) p.xlim((-delt+xcen, delt+xcen)) p.ylim((-delt+ycen, delt+ycen)) p.gca().set_aspect('equal') p.xlabel(r'$\alpha$ ($\degree$)') p.ylabel(r'$\delta$ ($\degree$)') p.savefig('onecenter.png', dpi=200) p.savefig('onecenter.pdf', dpi=200) p.figure('Several Footprints') setup_print((5, 4), scalefont=1.2, ) p.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15) delt = 10 dg, rg = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-delt, delt, npts), np.linspace(-delt, delt, npts)) dpts = 4./(npts - 1) p.clf() tim = render(rg.ravel(), dg.ravel(), ran[m0], decn[m0], oneperim=oneperim) tim = tim.reshape(rg.shape) p.imshow(tim.T, cmap='binary', origin='lower', extent=[-delt-dpts/2, delt+dpts/2, -delt-dpts/2, delt+dpts/2], vmin=0, vmax=3) p.plot(((ran[m0]+180.) % 360)-180, decn[m0], 'r+') p.xlim(-delt, delt) p.ylim(-delt, delt) p.gca().set_aspect('equal') p.xlabel(r'$\alpha$ ($\degree$)') p.ylabel(r'$\delta$ ($\degree$)') p.savefig('onepass.png', dpi=200) p.savefig('onepass.pdf', dpi=200) p.figure('Full Sky') setup_print((8, 4.3), scalefont=1.2) p.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.06, top=0.99, right=0.97) p.clf() tim, xx, yy = heal2cart(ims['Tiles v3'], interp=False, return_pts=True, startra=300) p.imshow(tim, cmap='binary', origin='lower', extent=[300, -60, -90, 90], vmin=0, vmax=9) p.gca().xaxis.set_ticks([300, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 0, -60]) p.gca().set_aspect('equal') p.xlabel(r'$\alpha$ ($\degree$)') p.ylabel(r'$\delta$ ($\degree$)') p.savefig('allpass.png', dpi=200) p.savefig('allpass.pdf', dpi=200) p.figure('Coverage Histogram') setup_print((5, 4), scalefont=1.2) p.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15) p.clf() for name, im in ims.items(): p.hist(im[pseudoindesi].reshape(-1), range=[-0.5, 15.5], bins=16, histtype='step', label=name, density=True) print(r'# coverings & fraction of area \\') for count in range(16): frac = (np.sum(im[pseudoindesi] == count) / 1./np.sum(pseudoindesi)) print(r'%4d & %7.3e \\' % (count, frac)) p.xlim(-0.5, 8.5) p.ylim(1e-7, 1e0) p.xlabel('# of coverings') p.ylabel('fraction of area') p.gca().set_yscale('log') if len(ims) > 1: p.legend() p.savefig('covhist.png', dpi=200) p.savefig('covhist.pdf', dpi=200) adjs = {} for name, rd in tilerd.items(): # just build adjacency matrix from small region, but needs # to at least cover several pointings m = m5pass & (gc_dist(rd[0], rd[1], 0, 0) < 6.) adjs[name] = adjacency_matrix(rd[0][m], rd[1][m]) p.figure('Adjacency Matrices') setup_print((8, 5), scalefont=1.2) p.subplots_adjust(left=0.125, bottom=0.1) p.clf() for i, (name, tadj) in enumerate(adjs.items()): p.subplot(len(adjs), 2, 2*i+1) p.imshow(tadj[0], origin='lower', aspect='equal', cmap='binary', vmax=0.2) p.title('%s: slit block' % name) p.xlabel('slit block #') p.subplot(len(adjs), 2, 2*i+2) # scale by area of each bin angsizes = np.arange(21).astype('f4')+0.5 angsizes = angsizes.reshape(1, -1)*angsizes.reshape(-1, 1) p.imshow(tadj[1]/angsizes, origin='lower', aspect='equal', cmap='binary', vmax=0.1, extent=[0, 400, 0, 400]) p.title('%s: radial' % name) p.xlabel('radius (mm)') p.savefig('adjmatrix.png', dpi=200) p.savefig('adjmatrix.pdf', dpi=200)
def add_info_fields(tiles, gaiadensitymapfile, tycho2file, covfile): import healpy nside = 512 theta, phi = healpy.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(12*nside**2)) la, ba = phi*180./np.pi, 90-theta*180./np.pi try: from desiutil import dust ebva = dust.ebv(la, ba, frame='galactic', mapdir=os.getenv('DUST_DIR')+'/maps', scaling=1) except Exception: import dust ebva = dust.getval(la, ba, map='sfd') if isinstance(tiles, Table): ra = tiles['RA'].data dec = tiles['DEC'].data else: ra = tiles['RA'] dec = tiles['DEC'] coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra*u.deg, dec=dec*u.deg, frame='icrs') coordgal = coord.galactic lt, bt = coordgal.l.value, coordgal.b.value uvt = lb2uv(lt, bt) gaiadens = fits.getdata(gaiadensitymapfile).copy() cov = fits.getdata(covfile).copy() fprad = 1.605 for i in range(len(tiles)): ind = healpy.query_disc(nside, uvt[i], fprad*np.pi/180.) tiles['EBV_MED'][i] = np.median(ebva[ind]) tiles['STAR_DENSITY'][i] = np.median(gaiadens[ind]) brightstars = fits.getdata(tycho2file) mb, mt, dbt = match_radec(brightstars['RA'], brightstars['DEC'], ra, dec, fprad) s = np.lexsort((brightstars['VTMAG'][mb], mt)) mt, mb, dbt = mt[s], mb[s], dbt[s] add = np.zeros(len(tiles), dtype=addtiledtype) add['BRIGHTVTMAG'] = 999. for f, l in subslices(mt): end = np.clip(l-f, 0, 3) l = np.clip(l, f, f+3) ind = mt[f] add['BRIGHTRA'][ind, 0:end] = brightstars['ra'][mb[f:l]] add['BRIGHTDEC'][ind, 0:end] = brightstars['dec'][mb[f:l]] add['BRIGHTVTMAG'][ind, 0:end] = brightstars['vtmag'][mb[f:l]] uvt = lb2uv(ra, dec) for i in range(len(tiles)): ind = healpy.query_disc(nside, uvt[i], fprad*np.pi/180.) for f in ['G', 'R', 'Z', 'GR', 'GRZ']: val = np.mean(cov['%s_COVERAGE' % f][ind]) add['IMAGEFRAC_%s' % f][i] = val add['IN_IMAGING'] = add['IMAGEFRAC_GRZ'] > 0.9 return add
[docs]def maketilefile(desitiles, gaiadensitymapfile, tycho2file, covfile, firstyearoptimized=True): """Make tile file. Args: desitiles: original DESI tile file gaiadensitymapfile: file name of healpix map of density of Gaia stars brighter than 19th mag. tycho2file: file name of list of ra, dec, bt, vt mags of Tycho-2 stars. covfile: file name of healpix coverage maps firstyearoptimized: bool, use scheme optimized for early full depth coverage. """ m0 = desitiles['PASS'] == 0 ran, decn = logradecoffscheme(desitiles['RA'][m0], desitiles['DEC'][m0], dx=0.6, ang=24, firstyearoptimized=firstyearoptimized) # stupid way to make copy of an array, but most other things I tried # ended up with the dtype of desitilesnew being a reference to the dtype # of desitiles, which I didn't want. # dtype munging below needed to make sure that we get things as proper # python unicode strings rather than byte arrays, though this approach # is fragile. dtype = [] for name, dt in desitiles.dtype.descr: if name != 'PROGRAM': dtype.append((name, dt)) else: dtype.append((name, 'U6')) desitilesnew = np.zeros(len(desitiles), dtype=dtype) for n in desitilesnew.dtype.names: desitilesnew[n] = desitiles[n] desitilesnew.dtype.names = [n.lower() for n in desitilesnew.dtype.names] desitilesnew['RA'] = ran desitilesnew['DEC'] = decn cenpass = 3 if firstyearoptimized else 0 mc = desitilesnew['PASS'] == cenpass # pass 0: centers in new scheme, no first year permutation # pass 3: centers in new scheme, if permuted to get more full depth in # first year desitilesnew['IN_DESI'] = np.concatenate( [desitilesnew['IN_DESI'][mc]]*10) # just repeat identically for each pass; all passes are close to # pass = 0 'centers'. desitilesnew_add = add_info_fields(desitilesnew, gaiadensitymapfile, tycho2file, covfile) from numpy.lib import recfunctions desitilesnew = recfunctions.merge_arrays((desitilesnew, desitilesnew_add), flatten=True) p = desitilesnew['PASS'] desitilesnew['PROGRAM'][p == 0] = 'GRAY' desitilesnew['PROGRAM'][(p >= 1) & (p <= 4)] = 'DARK' desitilesnew['PROGRAM'][(p >= 5) & (p <= 7)] = 'BRIGHT' desitilesnew['PROGRAM'][(p >= 8)] = 'EXTRA' obscondmapping = {'EXTRA': 0, 'DARK': 1, 'GRAY': 2, 'BRIGHT': 4} for program, obscond in obscondmapping.items(): m = desitilesnew['PROGRAM'] == program desitilesnew['OBSCONDITIONS'][m] = obscond desitilesnew['AIRMASS'] = airmass( np.ones(len(desitilesnew), dtype='f4')*15., desitilesnew['DEC'], 31.96) signalfac = 10.**(2.165*desitilesnew['EBV_MED']/2.5) desitilesnew['EXPOSEFAC'] = signalfac**2 * desitilesnew['AIRMASS']**1.25 desitilesnew['CENTERID'] = np.concatenate( [desitilesnew['TILEID'][mc]]*10) centerind = desitilesnew['CENTERID'] - 1 desitilesnew['IN_IMAGING'] = desitilesnew['IMAGEFRAC_GRZ'][centerind] > 0.9 dc = desitilesnew['DEC'][centerind] coord = SkyCoord(ra=desitilesnew['RA']*u.deg, dec=desitilesnew['DEC']*u.deg, frame='icrs') coordgal = coord.galactic lt, bt = coordgal.l.value, coordgal.b.value lc = lt[centerind] bc = bt[centerind] desitilesnew['IN_DESI'] = ( (desitilesnew['IN_IMAGING'] != 0) & (dc >= -18) & (dc <= 77.7) & ((bc > 0) | (dc < 32.2)) & (((np.abs(bc) > 22) & ((lc < 90) | (lc > 270))) | ((np.abs(bc) > 20) & (lc > 90) & (lc < 270)))) return desitilesnew
def writefiles(tiles, fnbase, overwrite=False, viewer=False): if viewer: tilesviewer = tiles[(tiles['CENTERID'] == tiles['TILEID']) & (tiles['IN_IMAGING'] != 0)] tiles_add = np.zeros(len(tilesviewer), dtype=[ ('NAME', 'a20'), ('RADIUS', 'f4'), ('COLOR', 'a20')]) tiles_add['RADIUS'] = 5832 m = tilesviewer['IN_DESI'] != 0 tiles_add['COLOR'][m] = 'green' tiles_add['COLOR'][~m] = 'red' tiles_add['NAME'] = [str(tid) for tid in tilesviewer['TILEID']] from numpy.lib import recfunctions tilesviewer = recfunctions.merge_arrays((tilesviewer, tiles_add), flatten=True) fits.writeto(fnbase+'-viewer.fits', tilesviewer, overwrite=True) tiles.dtype.names = [n.upper() for n in tiles.dtype.names] tilestab = Table(tiles, meta={'EXTNAME': 'TILES'}) metadata = {'tileid': ('', 'Unique tile ID'), 'ra': ('deg', 'Right ascension'), 'dec': ('deg', 'Declination'), 'pass': ('', 'DESI layer'), 'in_desi': ('', '1=within DESI footprint; 0=outside'), 'ebv_med': ('mag', 'Median Galactic E(B-V) extinction in tile'), 'airmass': ('', 'Airmass if observed at hour angle 15 deg'), 'star_density': ('deg^-2', 'median number density of Gaia stars brighter than 19.5 mag in tile'), 'exposefac': ('', 'Multiplicative exposure time factor from airmass and E(B-V)'), 'program': ('', 'DARK, GRAY, BRIGHT, or EXTRA'), 'obsconditions': ('', '1 for DARK, 2 for GRAY, 4 for BRIGHT, 0 for EXTRA'), 'brightra': ('deg', 'RAs of 3 brightest Tycho-2 stars in tile'), 'brightdec': ('deg', 'Decs of 3 brightest Tycho-2 stars in tile'), 'brightvtmag': ('mag', 'V_T magnitudes of 3 brightest Tycho-2 stars in tile'), # 'centerid': ('', 'Unique tile ID of pass 0 tile corresponding to this tile'), 'imagefrac_g': ('', 'Fraction of this tile within 1.605 deg with g imaging'), 'imagefrac_r': ('', 'Fraction of this tile within 1.605 deg with r imaging'), 'imagefrac_z': ('', 'Fraction of this tile within 1.605 deg with z imaging'), 'imagefrac_gr': ('', 'Fraction of this tile within 1.605 deg with gr imaging'), 'imagefrac_grz': ('', 'Fraction of this tile within 1.605 deg with grz imaging'), 'in_imaging': ('', 'Central tile has imagefrac_grz > 0.9'), } metadatacaps = {k.upper(): v for k, v in metadata.items()} unitdict = {'': None, 'deg': u.deg, 'mag': u.mag, 'deg^-2': 1/u.deg/u.deg} for name in tilestab.dtype.names: tilestab[name].unit = unitdict[metadatacaps[name][0]] tilestab[name].description = metadatacaps[name][1] tilestab2 = tilestab.copy() tilestab2.remove_columns(['BRIGHTRA', 'BRIGHTDEC', 'BRIGHTVTMAG']) tilestab2.write(fnbase+'.ecsv', overwrite=overwrite) tilestab.write(fnbase+'.fits', format='fits', overwrite=overwrite) def extraqa(tiles): from matplotlib import pyplot as p p.figure('Exposure Factor') p.clf() setup_print((5, 4), scalefont=1.2) p.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15) m = tiles['IN_DESI'] != 0 if 'EXPOSEFAC' in tiles.dtype.names: exposefac = tiles['EXPOSEFAC'] else: signalfac = 10.**(2.165*tiles['EBV_MED']/2.5) tairmass = airmass( np.ones(len(tiles), dtype='f4')*15., tiles['DEC'], 31.96) exposefac = signalfac**2 * tairmass**1.25 _ = p.hist(exposefac[m], range=[1, 3.5], bins=25, histtype='step') p.ylabel('Number of tiles') p.xlabel('EXPOSEFAC') p.savefig('exposefac.png') p.savefig('exposefac.pdf') p.figure('Imaging coverage') p.clf() setup_print((8, 5), scalefont=1.2) p.subplots_adjust(left=0.125, bottom=0.1) # m0 = tiles['CENTERID'] == tiles['TILEID'] m0 = (tiles['PASS'] == 0) & (tiles['PROGRAM'] == 'dark') mdesi = tiles['IN_DESI'] != 0 p.scatter(((tiles['RA'][m0 & mdesi]+60) % 360)-60, tiles['DEC'][m0 & mdesi], c=tiles['IMAGEFRAC_GRZ'][m0 & mdesi], marker='s', s=8, vmin=0, vmax=1) p.scatter(((tiles['RA'][m0 & ~mdesi]+60) % 360)-60, tiles['DEC'][m0 & ~mdesi], c=tiles['IMAGEFRAC_GRZ'][m0 & ~mdesi], marker='^', s=4, vmin=0, vmax=1) cbar = p.colorbar() cbar.set_label('$grz$ coverage fraction') p.xlabel(r'$\alpha$ ($\degree$)') p.ylabel(r'$\delta$ ($\degree$)') # p.title('DESI Imaging Coverage') p.ylim(-30, 90) p.xlim(300, -60) p.savefig('imagingcoverage.pdf') p.savefig('imagingcoverage.png') p.figure('Tile centers') p.clf() setup_print((8, 5), scalefont=1.2) p.subplots_adjust(left=0.125, bottom=0.1) m5 = ((tiles['PASS'] < 7) & (tiles['IN_DESI'] != 0) & (tiles['PROGRAM'] == 'dark')) # mef = tiles['EXPOSEFAC'] < 2.5 print('Mean, median exposefac:', np.mean(exposefac[m5]), np.median(exposefac[m5])) p.scatter((((tiles['ra']+60) % 360)-60)[m5], tiles['dec'][m5], c=exposefac[m5] > 2.5, s=5*(exposefac[m5] > 2.5)+1, cmap='bwr') p.xlabel(r'$\alpha$ ($\degree$)') p.ylabel(r'$\delta$ ($\degree$)') p.xlim(300, -60) p.ylim(-20, 80) p.text(280, -13, 'Red where EXPOSEFAC > 2.5') p.text(280, -18, '%d tiles in 5 passes' % np.sum(m5)) p.savefig('tilerd.png') p.savefig('tilerd.pdf') p.figure('Stellar Density') p.clf() setup_print((5, 4), scalefont=1.2) p.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15) coord = SkyCoord(ra=tiles['RA']*u.deg, dec=tiles['DEC']*u.deg, frame='icrs') coordgal = coord.galactic lt, bt = coordgal.l.value, coordgal.b.value m0 = (tiles['PASS'] == 0) & (tiles['PROGRAM'] == 'dark') mindesi = (tiles['IN_DESI'] != 0) p.plot(bt[m0 & ~mindesi], tiles['STAR_DENSITY'][m0 & ~mindesi], 'ro', markersize=0.5) p.plot(bt[m0 & mindesi], tiles['STAR_DENSITY'][m0 & mindesi], 'ko', markersize=0.5) p.xlabel(r'$b$ ($\degree$)') p.ylabel(r'Number of Gaia stars per sq. deg.') p.xlim(-90, 90) p.yscale('log') p.ylim(1e3, 1e6) p.savefig('stardensity.png') p.savefig('stardensity.pdf') npts = 10**6 uv = np.random.randn(npts, 3) rr, dd = uv2lb(uv) mn = bt > 0 ms = bt < 0 mrn, mtn, drtn = match_radec(rr, dd, tiles['RA'][m5 & mn], tiles['DEC'][m5 & mn], 1.6) mrs, mts, drts = match_radec(rr, dd, tiles['RA'][m5 & ms], tiles['DEC'][m5 & ms], 1.6) ncovern = np.bincount(mrn, minlength=len(rr)) ncovers = np.bincount(mrs, minlength=len(rr)) print('North area:', (np.sum(ncovern >= 4)*4*np.pi * (180/np.pi)**2/npts)) print('South area:', (np.sum(ncovers >= 4)*4*np.pi * (180/np.pi)**2/npts)) mr, mt, drt = match_radec(rr, dd, tiles['RA'][m5], tiles['DEC'][m5], 1.6) ncover = np.bincount(mr, minlength=len(rr)) for i in range(10): print(r'%4d & %6.0f \\' % (i, np.sum(ncover >= i)*4*np.pi*(180./np.pi)**2/npts)) m0 = ((tiles['IN_DESI'] != 0) & (tiles['PROGRAM'] == 'dark') & (tiles['PASS'] == 0)) mrc, mtc, drtc = match_radec(rr, dd, tiles['RA'][m0], tiles['DEC'][m0], 1.6) print('Average number of coverings for points within 1.6 deg of pass=0:', np.mean(ncover[mrc])) def airmass(ha, dec, lat): az, alt = rotate(ha, dec, 0., lat) sinalt = np.clip(np.sin(np.radians(alt)), 1e-2, np.inf) return 1./sinalt def rotate(l, b, l0, b0, phi0=0.): l = np.radians(l) b = np.radians(b) l0 = np.radians(l0) b0 = np.radians(b0) ce = np.cos(b0) se = np.sin(b0) phi0 = np.radians(phi0) cb, sb = np.cos(b), np.sin(b) cl, sl = np.cos(l-l0+np.pi/2.), np.sin(l-l0+np.pi/2.) ra = np.arctan2(cb*cl, sb*ce-cb*se*sl) + phi0 dec = np.arcsin(cb*ce*sl + sb*se) ra = ra % (2*np.pi) ra = np.degrees(ra) dec = np.degrees(dec) return ra, dec def rotate2(l, b, l0, b0, phi0=0.): return rotate(l, b, phi0, b0, phi0=l0) def heal2cart(heal, interp=True, return_pts=False, startra=360): import healpy nside = healpy.get_nside(heal) #*(2 if interp else 1) owidth = 8*nside oheight = 4*nside-1 dm, rm = np.mgrid[0:oheight, 0:owidth] rm = startra-(rm+0.5) / float(owidth) * 360. dm = -90. + (dm+0.5) / float(oheight) * 180. t, p = lb2tp(rm.ravel(), dm.ravel()) if interp: map = healpy.get_interp_val(heal, t, p) else: pix = healpy.ang2pix(nside, t, p) map = heal[pix] map = map.reshape((oheight, owidth)) if return_pts: map = (map, np.sort(np.unique(rm)), np.sort(np.unique(dm))) return map def setup_print(size=None, keys=None, scalefont=1., **kw): from matplotlib import pyplot params = {'backend': 'ps', 'axes.labelsize': 12*scalefont, 'font.size': 12*scalefont, 'legend.fontsize': 10*scalefont, 'xtick.labelsize': 10*scalefont, 'ytick.labelsize': 10*scalefont, 'axes.titlesize': 18*scalefont, } for key in kw: params[key] = kw[key] if keys is not None: for key in keys: params[key] = keys[key] oldparams = dict(pyplot.rcParams.items()) pyplot.rcParams.update(params) if size is not None: pyplot.gcf().set_size_inches(*size, forward=True) return oldparams def firstyeartiles(tiles, orig=True): racen, deccen = (tiles['RA'][tiles['CENTERID']-1], tiles['DEC'][tiles['CENTERID']-1]) # m1 = (deccen > -9.5) & (deccen < 9.5) & (tiles['pass'] == 3) # m2 = (deccen > -9.5) & (deccen < 7) & (tiles['pass'] == 2) # m3 = (deccen > -7) & (deccen < 7) & (tiles['pass'] == 0) # m4 = (deccen > -7) & (deccen < 7) & (tiles['pass'] == 1) passes = [3, 4, 0, 1] if orig else [1, 2, 3, 4] print('passes', passes) m1 = (deccen > -6.5) & (deccen < 6.5) & (tiles['PASS'] == passes[0]) m2 = (deccen > -3.9) & (deccen < 6.5) & (tiles['PASS'] == passes[1]) m3 = (deccen > -3.9) & (deccen < 3.9) & (tiles['PASS'] == passes[2]) m4 = (deccen > -3.9) & (deccen < 3.9) & (tiles['PASS'] == passes[3]) rabounds = (((racen > 148) & (racen < 213)) | (racen > 148+180) | (racen < 213-180)) return [m1 & rabounds, m2 & rabounds, m3 & rabounds, m4 & rabounds] def render_tiles_and_edges(tiles, selections): rr = np.linspace(0, 360, 3600*2, endpoint=False) dd = np.linspace(-8, 8, 160*2, endpoint=False) ra = rr.reshape(-1, 1)*np.ones((1, len(dd))) da = dd.reshape(1, -1)*np.ones((len(rr), 1)) passes = [] for m in selections: pi = render(ra.ravel(), da.ravel(), tiles['RA'][m], tiles['DEC'][m]) medge = edgetiles(tiles, m) po = render(ra.ravel(), da.ravel(), tiles['RA'][medge].ravel(), tiles['DEC'][medge].ravel()) passes.append([pi.reshape(ra.shape), po.reshape(ra.shape)]) return passes def edgetiles(tiles, sel): r0, d0 = tiles['RA'][sel], tiles['DEC'][sel] if not np.all(tiles['PASS'][sel] == tiles['PASS'][sel][0]): raise ValueError('all tiles in selection must be in the same pass.') pass0 = tiles['PASS'][sel][0] mp = np.flatnonzero(tiles['PASS'] == pass0) rad = 1.605*2*1.2 m0, mt, d0t = match_radec(r0, d0, tiles['RA'][mp], tiles['DEC'][mp], rad) edges = np.zeros(len(tiles), dtype='bool') edges[mp[mt]] = 1 edges[sel] = 0 return edges def make_tiles_from_fiberassignfn(fafn, tiletabs, exposures): fafn = sorted(fafn)[::-1] tileid = dict() import re rgx = re.compile(r'fiberassign-(\d{6})\.fits(\.gz)?') fafntokeep = [] for fn in fafn: match = rgx.match(os.path.basename(fn)) if match: tileid0 = int( if not tileid.get(tileid0): fafntokeep.append(fn) tileid[tileid0] = True else: print(f'failed to match {fn}') dat = np.zeros(len(fafntokeep), dtype=[('TILEID', 'i4'), ('RA', 'f8'), ('DEC', 'f8'), ('PROGRAM', 'U20'), ('EBV_MED', 'f4'), ('FAFLAVOR', 'U20')]) for i, fn in enumerate(fafntokeep): hdr = fits.getheader(fn) if 'TILEID' not in hdr: hdr = fits.getheader(fn, 'FIBERASSIGN') dat['TILEID'][i] = hdr['TILEID'] dat['RA'][i] = hdr['TILERA'] dat['DEC'][i] = hdr['TILEDEC'] dat['PROGRAM'][i] = hdr.get('FAPRGRM', 'UNKNOWN') dat['FAFLAVOR'][i] = hdr.get('FAFLAVOR', 'UNKNOWN') alreadyusedtileid = np.unique( np.concatenate([tab['TILEID'] for tab in tiletabs])) m = ~np.isin(dat['TILEID'], alreadyusedtileid) dat = dat[m] from copy import deepcopy colarr = [] for i in range(len(tiletabs[0].columns)): c = deepcopy(tiletabs[0].columns[i]) c.resize(len(dat)) colarr.append(c) out = Table(colarr) out['TILEID'][:] = dat['TILEID'] out['PASS'][:] = 0 out['RA'][:] = dat['RA'] out['DEC'][:] = dat['DEC'] out['PROGRAM'] = dat['FAFLAVOR'] # out['PROGRAM'][:] = dat['FAFLAVOR'] out['IN_DESI'][:] = False out['PRIORITY'][:] = 1.0 out['STATUS'][:] = 'unobs' observed = np.isin(out['TILEID'], np.unique(exposures['TILEID'])) out['STATUS'][observed] = 'obsstart' out['DONEFRAC'][:] = 0 out['AVAILABLE'][:] = False out['PRIORITY_BOOSTFAC'][:] = 1 out = out[np.argsort(out['TILEID'])] return out def make_tiles_from_fiberassign(dirname, gaiadensitymapfile, tycho2file, covfile): fn = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, '**/fiberassign*.fits*'), recursive=True) fn = sorted(fn) tiles = np.zeros(len(fn), dtype=basetiledtype) for i, fn0 in enumerate(fn): h = fits.getheader(fn0) if 'TILEID' not in h: tiles['TILEID'][i] = -1 continue tiles['TILEID'][i] = h['TILEID'] tiles['RA'][i] = h['TILERA'] tiles['DEC'][i] = h['TILEDEC'] isdither = False try: dat = fits.getdata(fn0, 'EXTRA') if 'UNDITHER_RA' in dat.dtype.names: isdither = True except Exception: isdither = False progstr = h.get('FAFLAVOR', 'unknown').strip() fa_surv = h['FA_SURV'].strip() if progstr[:len(fa_surv)] != fa_surv: progstr = fa_surv + '_' + progstr if isdither: progstr += '_dith' tiles['PROGRAM'][i] = progstr if 'OBSCON' in h: tiles['OBSCONDITIONS'] = targetmask.obsconditions.mask(h['OBSCON']) else: tiles['OBSCONDITIONS'] = 2**31-1 tiles = tiles[tiles['TILEID'] != -1] tiles['AIRMASS'] = airmass( np.ones(len(tiles), dtype='f4')*15., tiles['DEC'], 31.96) tiles_add = add_info_fields(tiles, gaiadensitymapfile, tycho2file, covfile) from numpy.lib import recfunctions tiles = recfunctions.merge_arrays((tiles, tiles_add), flatten=True) signalfac = 10.**(2.165*tiles['EBV_MED']/2.5) tiles['EXPOSEFAC'] = signalfac**2 * tiles['AIRMASS']**1.25 tiles['CENTERID'] = tiles['TILEID'] for i, prog in enumerate(np.unique(tiles['PROGRAM'])): m = tiles['PROGRAM'] == prog tiles['PASS'][m] = i coord = SkyCoord(ra=tiles['RA']*u.deg, dec=tiles['DEC']*u.deg, frame='icrs') coordgal = coord.galactic lt, bt = coordgal.l.value, coordgal.b.value dt = tiles['DEC'] tiles['IN_DESI'] = ( (tiles['IN_IMAGING'] != 0) & (dt >= -18) & (dt <= 77.7) & ((bt > 0) | (dt < 32.2)) & (((np.abs(bt) > 22) & ((lt < 90) | (lt > 270))) | ((np.abs(bt) > 20) & (lt > 90) & (lt < 270)))) return tiles def decorate_djs_tilefile(fn, gaiafn, tychofn, coveragefn, rewritecenterid=False): from astropy import table tf = tf['EBV_MED'] = np.zeros(len(tf), dtype='f4') tf['STAR_DENSITY'] = np.zeros(len(tf), dtype='f4') if rewritecenterid: tf['CENTERID'] = np.arange(len(tf), dtype='i4')+1 add = add_info_fields(tf, gaiafn, tychofn, coveragefn) addtab = Table(add) addtab.remove_column('CENTERID') tfadd = table.hstack([tf, addtab]) centerind = tfadd['CENTERID'] - 1 dc = tfadd['DEC'][centerind] rc = tfadd['RA'][centerind] cc = SkyCoord(ra=rc*u.deg, dec=dc*u.deg) lc = bc = tfadd['IN_IMAGING'] = tfadd['IMAGEFRAC_GRZ'][centerind] > 0.9 tfadd['IN_DESI'] = ( (tfadd['IN_IMAGING'] != 0) & (dc >= -18) & (dc <= 77.7) & ((bc > 0) | (dc < 32.2)) & (((np.abs(bc) > 22) & ((lc < 90) | (lc > 270))) | ((np.abs(bc) > 20) & (lc > 90) & (lc < 270)))) return tfadd def tenkfootprint(tiles): from matplotlib import path northpoly = np.array( [[272.32117571, 25.10016439], [247.80111764, 19.15590789], [245.20050542, 13.58316742], [231.82592829, 7.26739489], [226.25318782, -15], [123.71476317, -15], [102.16683335, 36.24564533], [139.68995251, 49.62022246], [186.50097247, 49.62022246], [231.82592829, 51.47780262], [264.89085508, 64.48086372], [272.69269174, 64.85237975], [289.78242918, 55.19296293], [279.00846427, 27.70077661]]) southpoly = np.array( [[50.15458896, 6.52436283], [49.78307293, -9.82234255], [-4.45826765, -10.19385858], [-5.20129972, -6.47869827], [-47.92564332, -5.36415018], [-47.92564332, 16.55529567], [-32.69348604, 29.55835677], [41.98123627, 31.0444209], [33.43636755, 21.38500408], [39.00910802, 7.63891092], [58.32794165, 6.52436283]]) coord = SkyCoord(ra=tiles['RA']*u.deg, dec=tiles['DEC']*u.deg) coordgal = coord.galactic l, b =, north = b > 0 south = b < 0 northpath = path.Path(list(northpoly)+list(northpoly)[0:1]) southpath = path.Path(list(southpoly)+list(southpoly)[0:1]) northmask = north & northpath.contains_points( np.array([tiles['RA'], tiles['DEC']]).T) southmask = south & southpath.contains_points( np.array([((tiles['RA']+180) % 360)-180, tiles['DEC']]).T) return northmask | southmask