Source code for desisurvey.etc

"""Calculate the nominal exposure time for specified observing conditions.

Use :func:`exposure_time` to combine all effects into an exposure time in
seconds, or call functions to calculate the individual exposure-time factors
associated with each effect.

The following effects are included: seeing, transparency, galactic dust
extinction, airmass, scattered moonlight.  The following effects are not yet
implemented: twilight sky brightness, clouds, variable OH sky brightness.
from __future__ import print_function, division

import numpy as np

import astropy.units as u

import specsim.atmosphere

import desiutil.log

import desisurvey.config
import desisurvey.tiles

[docs]def seeing_exposure_factor(seeing, sbprof='ELG'): """Scaling of exposure time with seeing, relative to nominal seeing. The model is based on DESI simulations with convolutions of realistic atmospheric and instrument PSFs, for a nominal sample of DESI ELG targets (including redshift evolution of ELG angular size). The simulations predict SNR for the ELG [OII] doublet during dark-sky conditions at airmass X=1. The exposure factor assumes exposure time scales with SNR ** -0.5. Parameters ---------- seeing : float or array FWHM seeing value(s) in arcseconds. sbprof: str source profile to use, one of PSF, ELG, BGS Returns ------- float Multiplicative factor(s) that exposure time should be adjusted based on the actual vs nominal seeing. """ if sbprof == 'FLT': return 1.0 + seeing*0 if np.any(seeing <= 0): raise ValueError('Got invalid seeing value <= 0.') polydict = getattr(seeing_exposure_factor, 'polydict', None) if polydict is None: polydict = dict( PSF=np.poly1d([0.09886370, -0.55877988, -0.97075602, -0.44728180]), ELG=np.poly1d([0.02306297, -0.42495946, -0.82527905, -0.77608006]), BGS=np.poly1d([0.03412768, -0.36108102, -0.71753377, -1.56430281]), FLT=None) config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() nomseeing = config.nominal_conditions.seeing().to(u.arcsec).value for name in list(polydict.keys()): if polydict[name] is None: continue ffracnom = np.exp(polydict[name](np.log(nomseeing))) polydict[name+'norm'] = ffracnom seeing_exposure_factor.polydict = polydict poly = polydict[sbprof] seeing = np.clip(seeing, 0.5, 3.5) norm = polydict[sbprof+'norm'] ffrac = np.exp(poly(np.log(seeing)))/norm return ffrac**(-2)
[docs]def transparency_exposure_factor(transparency): """Scaling of exposure time with transparency relative to nominal. The model is that exposure time scales with 1 / transparency**2. Parameters ---------- transparency : float or array Dimensionless transparency value(s) in the range [0-1]. Returns ------- float Multiplicative factor(s) that exposure time should be adjusted based on the actual vs nominal transparency. """ transparency = np.asarray(transparency) if np.any(transparency <= 0): raise ValueError('Got invalid transparency value <= 0.') config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() nominal = config.nominal_conditions.transparency() return (nominal / transparency)**2
[docs]def dust_exposure_factor(EBV): """Scaling of exposure time with median E(B-V) relative to nominal. The model uses the SDSS-g extinction coefficient (3.303) from Table 6 of Schlafly & Finkbeiner 2011 by default, or config.ebv_coefficient if specified. Parameters ---------- EBV : float or array Median dust extinction value(s) E(B-V) for the tile area. Returns ------- float Multiplicative factor(s) that exposure time should be adjusted based on the actual vs nominal dust extinction. """ EBV = np.asarray(EBV) config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() EBV0 = config.nominal_conditions.EBV() coeff = getattr(config, 'ebv_coefficient', None) if coeff is not None: coeff = coeff() else: coeff = 3.303 Ag = coeff * (EBV - EBV0) return np.power(10.0, (2.0 * Ag / 2.5))
[docs]def airmass_exposure_factor(airmass): """Scaling of exposure time with airmass relative to nominal. The exponent 1.25 is based on empirical fits to BOSS exposure times. See eqn (6) of Dawson 2012 for details. Parameters ---------- airmass : float or array Airmass value(s) Returns ------- float Multiplicative factor(s) that exposure time should be adjusted based on the actual vs nominal airmass. """ X = np.asarray(airmass) if np.any(X < 1): raise ValueError('Got invalid airmass value < 1.') config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() X0 = config.nominal_conditions.airmass() return np.power((X / X0), 1.25)
# Linear regression coefficients for converting scattered moon V-band # magnitude into an exposure-time correction factor. _moonCoefficients = np.array([ -8.83964463188, -7372368.5041596508, 775.17763895781638, -20185.959363990656, 174143.69095766739]) # V-band extinction coefficient to use in the scattered moonlight model. # See specsim.atmosphere.krisciunas_schaefer for details. _vband_extinction = 0.15154
[docs]def moon_exposure_factor(moon_frac, moon_sep, moon_alt, airmass): """Calculate exposure time factor due to scattered moonlight. The returned factor is relative to dark conditions when the moon is below the local horizon. This factor is based on a study of SNR for ELG targets and designed to achieve a median SNR of 7 for a typical ELG [OII] doublet at the lower flux limit of 8e-17 erg/(cm2 s A), averaged over the expected ELG target redshift distribution 0.6 < z < 1.7. TODO: - Check the assumption that exposure time scales with SNR ** -0.5. - Check if this ELG-based analysis is also valid for BGS targets. For details, see the jupyter notebook doc/nb/ScatteredMoon.ipynb in this package. Parameters ---------- moon_frac : float Illuminated fraction of the moon, in the range [0,1]. moon_sep : float Separation angle between field center and moon in degrees, in the range [0,180]. moon_alt : float Altitude angle of the moon above the horizon in degrees, in the range [-90,90]. airmass : float Airmass used for observing this tile, must be >= 1. Returns ------- float Dimensionless factor that exposure time should be increased to account for increased sky brightness due to scattered moonlight. Will be 1 when the moon is below the horizon. """ if (moon_frac < 0) or (moon_frac > 1): raise ValueError('Got invalid moon_frac outside [0,1].') if (moon_sep < 0) or (moon_sep > 180): raise ValueError('Got invalid moon_sep outside [0,180].') if (moon_alt < -90) or (moon_alt > 90): raise ValueError('Got invalid moon_alt outside [-90,+90].') if airmass < 1: raise ValueError('Got invalid airmass < 1.') # No exposure penalty when moon is below the horizon. if moon_alt < 0: return 1. # Convert input parameters to those used in the specim moon model. moon_phase = np.arccos(2 * moon_frac - 1) / np.pi separation_angle = moon_sep * u.deg moon_zenith = (90 - moon_alt) * u.deg # Estimate the zenith angle corresponding to this observing airmass. # We invert eqn.3 of KS1991 for this (instead of eqn.14). obs_zenith = np.arcsin(np.sqrt((1 - airmass ** -2) / 0.96)) * u.rad # Calculate scattered moon V-band brightness at each pixel. V = specsim.atmosphere.krisciunas_schaefer( obs_zenith, moon_zenith, separation_angle, moon_phase, _vband_extinction).value # Evaluate the linear regression model. X = np.array((1, np.exp(-V), 1/V, 1/V**2, 1/V**3)) return
[docs]def exposure_time(program, seeing, transparency, airmass, EBV, moon_frac, moon_sep, moon_alt): """Calculate the total exposure time for specified observing conditions. The exposure time is calculated as the time required under nominal conditions multiplied by factors to correct for actual vs nominal conditions for seeing, transparency, dust extinction, airmass, and scattered moon brightness. Note that this function returns the total exposure time required to achieve the target SNR**2 at current conditions. The caller is responsible for adjusting this value when some signal has already been acummulated with previous exposures of a tile. Parameters ---------- program : 'DARK', 'BRIGHT' or 'GRAY' Which program to use when setting the target SNR**2. seeing : float or array FWHM seeing value(s) in arcseconds. transparency : float or array Dimensionless transparency value(s) in the range [0-1]. EBV : float or array Median dust extinction value(s) E(B-V) for the tile area. airmass : float Airmass used for observing this tile. moon_frac : float Illuminated fraction of the moon, between 0-1. moon_sep : float Separation angle between field center and moon in degrees. moon_alt : float Altitude angle of the moon above the horizon in degrees. Returns ------- astropy.unit.Quantity Estimated exposure time(s) with time units. """ # Lookup the nominal exposure time for this program. config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() nominal_time = getattr(config.programs, program).efftime() sbprof = getattr(config.programs, program).sbprof() # Calculate actual / nominal factors. f_seeing = seeing_exposure_factor(seeing, sbprof=sbprof) f_transparency = transparency_exposure_factor(transparency) f_dust = dust_exposure_factor(EBV) f_airmass = airmass_exposure_factor(airmass) f_moon = moon_exposure_factor(moon_frac, moon_sep, moon_alt, airmass) # Calculate the exposure time required at the specified condtions. actual_time = nominal_time * ( f_seeing * f_transparency * f_dust * f_airmass * f_moon) assert actual_time > 0 * u.s return actual_time
[docs]class ExposureTimeCalculator(object): """Online Exposure Time Calculator. Track observing conditions (seeing, transparency, sky background) during an exposure using the :meth:`start`, :meth:`update` and :meth:`stop` methods. Exposure time tracking is configured by the following parameters: - nominal_exposure_time - new_field_setup - same_field_setup - cosmic_ray_split - min_exposures Note that this version applies an average correction for the moon during the GRAY and BRIGHT programs, rather than idividual corrections based on the moon parameters. This will be fixed in a future version. Parameters ---------- save_history : bool When True, records the history of internal calculations during an exposure, for debugging and plotting. """ def __init__(self, save_history=False): self._snr2frac = 0. self._exptime = 0. self._active = False self.tileid = None # Lookup config parameters (with times converted to days). config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() self.NEW_FIELD_SETUP = config.new_field_setup().to( self.SAME_FIELD_SETUP = config.same_field_setup().to( self.MAX_EXPTIME = config.cosmic_ray_split().to( self.MIN_NEXP = config.min_exposures() self.TEXP_TOTAL = {} self.log = desiutil.log.get_logger() unknownprograms = [] for program in desisurvey.tiles.get_tiles().programs: progconf = getattr(config.programs, program, None) if progconf is None: unknownprograms.append(program) nomtime = 1000/24/60/60 else: nomtime = progconf.efftime().to( self.TEXP_TOTAL[program] = nomtime if len(unknownprograms) > 0: self.log.warning( 'Unrecognized program {}, '.format(' '.join(unknownprograms)) + 'using default exposure time of 1000 s') # Initialize optional history tracking. self.save_history = save_history if save_history: self.history = dict(mjd=[], signal=[], background=[], snr2frac=[])
[docs] def weather_factor(self, seeing, transp, sky_level, sbprof='ELG'): """Return the relative SNR2 accumulation rate for specified conditions. This is the inverse of the instantaneous exposure factor due to seeing and transparency. Parameters ---------- seeing : float Atmospheric seeing in arcseconds. transp : float Atmospheric transparency in the range (0,1). sky_level : float sky_level relative to nominal """ fac = transp**2 fac /= seeing_exposure_factor(seeing, sbprof=sbprof) fac /= sky_level return fac
[docs] def estimate_exposure(self, program, snr2frac, exposure_factor, nexp_completed=0): """Estimate exposure time(s). Can be used to estimate exposures for one or many tiles from the same program. Parameters ---------- program : str Name of the program to estimate exposure times for. Used to determine the nominal exposure time. All tiles must be from the same program. snr2frac : float or array Fractional SNR2 integrated so far for the tile(s) to estimate. exposure_factor : float or array Exposure-time factor for the tile(s) to estimate. nexp_completed : int or array Number of exposures completed so far for tile(s) to estimate. Returns ------- tuple Tuple (texp_total, texp_remaining, nexp) of floats or arrays, where texp_total is the total time that would be required under current conditions, texp_remaining is the remaining time under current conditions taking the already accumulated SNR2 into account, and nexp is the estimated number of remaining exposures required. """ # Estimate total exposure time required under current conditions. texp_total = self.TEXP_TOTAL[program] * exposure_factor # Estimate time remaining to reach snr2frac = 1. texp_remaining = texp_total * (1 - snr2frac) # Estimate the number of exposures required. nexp = np.ceil(texp_remaining / self.MAX_EXPTIME).astype(int) nexp = np.maximum(nexp, self.MIN_NEXP - nexp_completed) return texp_total, texp_remaining, nexp
[docs] def could_complete(self, t_remaining, program, snr2frac, exposure_factor): """Determine which tiles could be completed. Completion refers to achieving SNR2 = 1, which might require multiple exposures. Used by :meth:`desisurvey.scheduler.Scheduler.next_tile` and uses :meth:`estimate_exposure`. Parameters ---------- t_remaining : float Time remaining in units of days. program : str Program that the candidate tiles belong to (must be the same for all tiles). snr2frac : float or array Fractional SNR2 integrated so far for each tile to consider. exposure_factor : float or array Exposure-time factor for each tile to consider. Returns ------- array 1D array of booleans indicating which tiles (if any) could completed within the remaining time. """ texp_total, texp_remaining, nexp = self.estimate_exposure(program, snr2frac, exposure_factor) # Estimate total time required for all exposures. t_required = self.NEW_FIELD_SETUP + self.SAME_FIELD_SETUP * (nexp - 1) + texp_remaining return t_required <= t_remaining
[docs] def start(self, mjd_now, tileid, program, snr2frac, exposure_factor, seeing, transp, sky): """Start tracking an exposure. Must be called before using :meth:`update` to track changing conditions during the exposure. Parameters ---------- mjd_now : float MJD timestamp when exposure starts. tileid : int ID of the tile being exposed. This is only used to recognize consecutive exposures of the same tile. program : str Name of the program the exposed tile belongs to. snr2frac : float Previous accumulated fractional SNR2 of the exposed tile. exposure_factor : float Exposure factor of the tile when the exposure starts, based on the current conditions specified by the remaining parameters. seeing : float Initial atmospheric seeing in arcseconds. transp : float Initial atmospheric transparency (0,1). sky : float Initial sky background level. """ self.mjd_start = mjd_now self._snr2frac = self._snr2frac_start = snr2frac self.mjd_last = mjd_now self.mjd_start = mjd_now self._active = True if tileid == self.tileid: self.tile_nexp += 1 else: self.tile_nexp = 1 self.tileid = tileid self.texp_total, texp_remaining, nexp = self.estimate_exposure( program, snr2frac, exposure_factor, self.tile_nexp - 1) # Estimate SNR2 to integrate in the next exposure. self.snr2frac_target = snr2frac + (texp_remaining / nexp) / self.texp_total # Initialize signal and background rate factors. self.srate0 = np.sqrt(self.weather_factor(seeing, transp, 1.0)) self.brate0 = sky self.signal = 0. self.background = 0. self.last_snr2frac = 0. self.should_abort = False if self.save_history: self.history['mjd'].append(mjd_now) self.history['signal'].append(0.) self.history['background'].append(0.) self.history['snr2frac'].append(snr2frac)
[docs] def update(self, mjd_now, seeing, transp, sky): """Track changing conditions during an exposure. Must call :meth:`start` first to start tracking an exposure. Parameters ---------- mjd_now : float Current MJD timestamp. seeing : float Estimate of average atmospheric seeing in arcseconds since last update (or start). transp : float Estimate of average atmospheric transparency since last update (or start). sky : float Estimate of average sky background level since last update (or start). Returns ------- bool True if the exposure should continue integrating. """ dt = mjd_now - self.mjd_last self.mjd_last = mjd_now srate = np.sqrt(self.weather_factor(seeing, transp, 1.0)) brate = sky self.signal += dt * srate / self.srate0 #self.background += dt * (srate + brate) / (self.srate0 + self.brate0) self.background += dt * brate / self.brate0 self._snr2frac = self._snr2frac_start + self.signal ** 2 / self.background / self.texp_total if self.save_history: self.history['mjd'].append(mjd_now) self.history['signal'].append(self.signal) self.history['background'].append(self.background) self.history['snr2frac'].append(self._snr2frac) need_more_snr = self._snr2frac < self.snr2frac_target # Give up on this tile if SNR progress has dropped significantly since we started. self.should_abort = (self._snr2frac - self.last_snr2frac) / dt < 0.25 / self.texp_total self.last_snr2frac = self._snr2frac return need_more_snr and not self.should_abort
[docs] def stop(self, mjd_now): """Stop tracking an exposure. After calling this method, use :attr:`exptime` to look up the exposure time. Parameters ---------- mjd_now : float MJD timestamp when the current exposure was stopped. Returns ------- bool True if this tile is "done" or False if another exposure of the same tile should be started immediately. Note that "done" normally means the tile has reached its target SNR2, but could also mean that the SNR2 accumulation rate has fallen below some threshold so that it is no longer useful to continue exposing. """ self._exptime = mjd_now - self.mjd_start self._active = False return self._snr2frac >= 1 or self.should_abort
@property def snr2frac(self): """Integrated fractional SNR2 of tile currently being exposed. Includes signal accumulated in previous exposures. Initialized by :meth:`start`, updated by :meth:`update` and frozen by :meth:`stop`. """ return self._snr2frac @property def exptime(self): """Exposure time in days recorded by last call to :meth:`stop`. """ return self._exptime @property def active(self): """Are we tracking an exposure? Set True by :meth:`start` and False by :meth:`stop`. """ return self._active