Source code for desisurvey.plots

"""Utility functions for plotting DESI survey progress and planning.
from __future__ import print_function, division

import datetime
import calendar

import numpy as np

import astropy.table
import astropy.units as u

import desiutil.plots

import desisurvey.ephem
import desisurvey.config
import desisurvey.utils

# Color associated with each program in the functions below.
program_color = {'DARK': 'black', 'GRAY': 'gray', 'BRIGHT': 'orange',
                 'BACKUP': 'green'}

[docs]def plot_sky_passes(ra, dec, passnum, z, clip_lo=None, clip_hi=None, label='label', cmap='viridis', save=None): """Plot sky maps for each pass of a per-tile scalar quantity. The matplotlib and basemap packages must be installed to use this function. Parameters ---------- ra : array Array of RA values to use in degrees. dec : array Array of DEC values to use in degrees. pass : array Array of integer pass values to use. z : array Array of per-tile values to plot. clip_lo : float or string or None See :meth:`desiutil.plot.prepare_data` clip_hi : float or string or None See :meth:`desiutil.plot.prepare_data` label : string Brief description of per-tile value ``z`` to use for axis labels. cmap : colormap name or object Matplotlib colormap to use for mapping data values to colors. save : string or None Name of file where plot should be saved. Format is inferred from the extension. Returns ------- tuple Tuple (figure, axes) returned by ``plt.subplots()``. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt z = desiutil.plots.prepare_data( z, clip_lo=clip_lo, clip_hi=clip_hi, save_limits=True) vmin, vmax = z.vmin, z.vmax hopts = dict(bins=50, range=(vmin, vmax), histtype='step') fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(15, 10)) # Mapping of subplots to passes. pass_map = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)] # Mapping of passes to programs. pass_program = ['DARK'] * 4 + ['GRAY'] + ['BRIGHT'] * 3 max_count = 0. for p in range(8): color = program_color[pass_program[p]] basemap = desiutil.plots.init_sky(ax=ax[pass_map[p]], galactic_plane_color=color) # Select the tiles in this pass. sel = np.where(passnum == p)[0] z_sel = desiutil.plots.prepare_data( z[sel], clip_lo=vmin, clip_hi=vmax, save_limits=True) # Plot the sky map for this pass. desiutil.plots.plot_sky_circles( ra_center=ra[sel], dec_center=dec[sel], data=z_sel, cmap=cmap, colorbar=True, ax=basemap, edgecolor='none', label=label) # Plot the histogram of values for this pass. hist_sel = (passnum == p) & (z > vmin) & (z < vmax) counts, _, _ = ax[0, 2].hist(z[hist_sel], color=color, **hopts) max_count = max(counts.max(), max_count) # Decorate the histogram subplot. ax[0, 2].set_xlim(vmin, vmax) ax[0, 2].set_ylim(0, 1.05 * max_count) ax[0, 2].set_xlabel(label) ax[0, 2].get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) plt.subplots_adjust( wspace=0.1, hspace=0.2, left=0.01, right=0.99, bottom=0.01, top=0.99) # Make extra room for the histogram x-axis label. hist_rect = ax[0, 2].get_position(original=True) hist_rect.y0 = 0.70 ax[0, 2].set_position(hist_rect) if save: plt.savefig(save) return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_observed(progress, include='observed', start_date=None, stop_date=None, what='exptime', print_summary=False, save=None): """Plot a summary of observed tiles. Reports progress tracked by :class:`desisurvey.progress.Progress.` using :func:`plot_sky_passes` to display a summary of observed tiles in each pass. Parameters ---------- progress : desisurvey.progress.Progress Progress tracker to use. include : 'all', 'observed', or 'completed' Specify which tiles to include in the summary. The 'observed' selection will include tiles that have been observed at least once but have not yet reached their SNR**2 goal. start_date : date or None Plot observations starting on the night of this date, or starting with the first observation if None. Must be convertible to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`. stop_date : date or None Plot observations ending on the morning of this date, or ending with the last observation if None. Must be convertible to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`. what : string What quantity to plot for each planned tile. Must be a column name in the summary table returned by :meth:`desisurvey.progress.Progress.get_summary`. print_summary : bool Print a summary of observed tiles. save : string or None Name of file where plot should be saved. Returns ------- tuple Tuple (figure, axes) returned by ``plt.subplots()``. """ if start_date: start_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(start_date) mjd_min = desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(start_date).mjd else: start_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(progress.first_mjd) mjd_min = None if stop_date: stop_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(stop_date) mjd_max = desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(stop_date).mjd else: stop_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(progress.last_mjd) mjd_max = None date_label = '{0} to {1}'.format(start_date, stop_date) if mjd_min or mjd_max: # Copy progress within these MJD limits. progress = progress.copy_range(mjd_min, mjd_max) # Create the summary table to use. t = progress.get_summary(include) if what not in t.colnames: raise ValueError('Valid names are: {0}'.format(','.join(t.colnames))) if print_summary: print('Observing summary for {0}:'.format(date_label)) for pass_num in range(8): stats = progress.completed(only_passes=pass_num, as_tuple=True) print('Completed {0:6.1f} / {1:4d} ({2:5.1f}%) tiles for pass {p}.' .format(*stats, p=pass_num)) label = '{0} ({1})'.format(what, date_label) return desisurvey.plots.plot_sky_passes( t['ra'], t['dec'], t['pass'], t[what], label=label, save=save)
[docs]def plot_program(ephem, start_date=None, stop_date=None, style='localtime', include_monsoon=False, include_full_moon=False, include_twilight=True, night_start=-6.5, night_stop=7.5, num_points=500, bg_color='lightblue', save=None): """Plot an overview of the DARK/GRAY/BRIGHT program. Uses :func:`desisurvey.ephem.get_program_hours` to calculate the hours available for each program during each night. The matplotlib and basemap packages must be installed to use this function. Parameters ---------- ephem : :class:`desisurvey.ephem.Ephemerides` Tabulated ephemerides data to use for determining the program. start_date : date or None First night to include in the plot or use the first date of the survey. Must be convertible to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`. stop_date : date or None First night to include in the plot or use the last date of the survey. Must be convertible to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`. style : string Plot style to use for the vertical axis: "localtime" shows time relative to local midnight, "histogram" shows elapsed time for each program during each night, and "cumulative" shows the cummulative time for each program since ``start_date``. include_monsoon : bool Include nights during the annual monsoon shutdowns. include_fullmoon : bool Include nights during the monthly full-moon breaks. include_twilight : bool Include twilight time at the start and end of each night in the BRIGHT program. night_start : float Start of night in hours relative to local midnight used to set y-axis minimum for 'localtime' style and tabulate nightly program. night_stop : float End of night in hours relative to local midnight used to set y-axis maximum for 'localtime' style and tabulate nightly program. num_points : int Number of subdivisions of the vertical axis to use for tabulating the program during each night. The resulting resolution will be ``(night_stop - night_start) / num_points`` hours. bg_color : matplotlib color Axis background color to use. Must be a valid matplotlib color. save : string or None Name of file where plot should be saved. Format is inferred from the extension. Returns ------- tuple Tuple (figure, axes) returned by ``plt.subplots()``. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors import matplotlib.dates import matplotlib.ticker import pytz styles = ('localtime', 'histogram', 'cumulative') if style not in styles: raise ValueError('Valid styles are {0}.'.format(', '.join(styles))) hours = ephem.get_program_hours( start_date, stop_date, include_monsoon, include_full_moon, include_twilight) observing_night = hours.sum(axis=0) > 0 # Determine plot date range. config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() if start_date is None: start_date = config.first_day() else: start_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(start_date) if stop_date is None: stop_date = config.last_day() else: stop_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(stop_date) if start_date >= stop_date: raise ValueError('Expected start_date < stop_date.') mjd = ephem._table['noon'] sel = ((mjd >= desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(start_date).mjd) & (mjd < desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(stop_date).mjd)) t = ephem._table[sel] num_nights = len(t) # Matplotlib date axes uses local time and puts ticks between days # at local midnight. We explicitly specify UTC for x-axis labels so # that the plot does not depend on the caller's local timezone. tz = pytz.utc midnight = datetime.time(hour=0) xaxis_start = tz.localize(datetime.datetime.combine(start_date, midnight)) xaxis_stop = tz.localize(datetime.datetime.combine(stop_date, midnight)) xaxis_lo = matplotlib.dates.date2num(xaxis_start) xaxis_hi = matplotlib.dates.date2num(xaxis_stop) # Build a grid of elapsed time relative to local midnight during each night. midnight = t['noon'] + 0.5 t_edges = np.linspace(night_start, night_stop, num_points + 1) / 24. t_centers = 0.5 * (t_edges[1:] + t_edges[:-1]) # Initialize the plot. fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(11, 8.5), squeeze=True) if style == 'localtime': # Loop over nights to build image data to plot. program = np.zeros((num_nights, len(t_centers))) for i in np.arange(num_nights): if not observing_night[i]: continue mjd_grid = midnight[i] + t_centers dark, gray, bright = ephem.tabulate_program(mjd_grid) program[i][dark] = 1. program[i][gray] = 2. program[i][bright] = 3. # Prepare a custom colormap. colors = [bg_color, program_color['DARK'], program_color['GRAY'], program_color['BRIGHT']] cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(colors, 'programs') ax.imshow(program.T, origin='lower', interpolation='none', aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, vmin=-0.5, vmax=+3.5, extent=[xaxis_lo, xaxis_hi, night_start, night_stop]) # Display 24-hour local time on y axis. y_lo = int(np.ceil(night_start)) y_hi = int(np.floor(night_stop)) y_ticks = np.arange(y_lo, y_hi + 1, dtype=int) y_labels = ['{:02d}h'.format(hr) for hr in (24 + y_ticks) % 24] config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() ax.set_ylabel('Local Time [{0}]' .format(config.location.timezone()), fontsize='x-large') ax.set_yticks(y_ticks) ax.set_yticklabels(y_labels) else: x = xaxis_lo + np.arange(num_nights) + 0.5 y = hours if style == 'histogram' else np.cumsum(hours, axis=1) size = min(15., (300./num_nights) ** 2) opts = dict(linestyle='-', marker='.' if size > 1 else None, markersize=size) ax.plot(x, y[0], color=program_color['DARK'], **opts) ax.plot(x, y[1], color=program_color['GRAY'], **opts) ax.plot(x, y[2], color=program_color['BRIGHT'], **opts) ax.set_facecolor(bg_color) ax.set_ylim(0, 1.07 * y.max()) if style == 'histogram': ax.set_ylabel('Hours / Night') else: ax.set_ylabel('Cumulative Hours') # Display dates on the x axis. ax.set_xlabel('Survey Date (observing {0} / {1} nights)' .format(np.count_nonzero(observing_night), num_nights), fontsize='x-large') ax.set_xlim(xaxis_start, xaxis_stop) if num_nights < 50: # Major ticks at month boundaries. ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.dates.MonthLocator(tz=tz)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter('%m/%y', tz=tz)) # Minor ticks at day boundaries. ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.dates.DayLocator(tz=tz)) elif num_nights <= 650: # Major ticks at month boundaries with no labels. ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.dates.MonthLocator(tz=tz)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.NullFormatter()) # Minor ticks at month midpoints with centered labels. ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator( matplotlib.dates.MonthLocator(bymonthday=15, tz=tz)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter( matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter('%m/%y', tz=tz)) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_minor_ticks(): tick.tick1line.set_markersize(0) tick.tick2line.set_markersize(0) tick.label1.set_horizontalalignment('center') else: # Major ticks at year boundaries. ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.dates.YearLocator(tz=tz)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter('%Y', tz=tz)) ax.grid(b=True, which='major', color='w', linestyle=':', lw=1) # Draw program labels. y = 0.975 opts = dict(fontsize='xx-large', fontweight='bold', xy=(0, 0), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top', xycoords='axes fraction', textcoords='axes fraction') ax.annotate('DARK {0:.1f}h'.format(hours[0].sum()), xytext=(0.2, y), color=program_color['DARK'], **opts) ax.annotate('GRAY {0:.1f}h'.format(hours[1].sum()), xytext=(0.5, y), color=program_color['GRAY'], **opts) ax.annotate( 'BRIGHT {0:.1f}h'.format(hours[2].sum()), xytext=(0.8, y), color=program_color['BRIGHT'], **opts) plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(save) return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_next_field(date_string, obs_num, ephem, window_size=7., max_airmass=2., min_moon_sep=50., max_bin_area=1., save=None): """Plot diagnostics for the next field selector. The matplotlib and basemap packages must be installed to use this function. Parameters ---------- date_string : string Observation date of the form 'YYYYMMDD'. obs_num : int Observation number on the specified night, counting from zero. ephem : :class:`desisurvey.ephem.Ephemerides` Ephemerides covering this night. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec import matplotlib.colors # Location of Mayall at KPNO. where = astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation.from_geodetic( lat='31d57m50.30s', lon='-111d35m57.61s', height=2120.*u.m) # Lookup the afternoon plan and observed tiles for this night. plan ='obsplan' + date_string + '.fits') obs ='obslist' + date_string + '.fits') # Lookup the requested exposure number. if obs_num < 0 or obs_num >= len(obs): raise ValueError('Invalid obs_num {0}'.format(obs_num)) tile = obs[obs_num] t_start = astropy.time.Time(tile['MJD'], format='mjd') exptime = tile['EXPTIME'] # Lookup the corresponding tile in the plan. tile_plan = plan[plan['TILEID'] == tile['TILEID']] if len(tile_plan) != 1: raise RuntimeError('Observed tile {0} not in plan for {1} obs #{2}.' .format(tile['TILEID'], date_string, obs_num)) tile_plan = tile_plan[0] # Use the exposure midpoint for calculations below. when = t_start + 0.5 * exptime * u.s when.location = where night = ephem.get_night(when) # Calculate the program during this night. midnight = night['noon'] + 0.5 t_edges = midnight + np.linspace( -window_size, +window_size, 2 * window_size * 60 + 1) / 24. t_centers = 0.5 * (t_edges[1:] + t_edges[:-1]) dark, gray, bright = ephem.tabulate_program(t_centers) # Determine the program during the exposure midpoint. t_index = np.digitize(when.mjd, t_edges) - 1 if dark[t_index]: program = 'DARK' elif gray[t_index]: program = 'GRAY' else: program = 'BRIGHT' # Restrict the plan to tiles in the current program. plan = plan[plan['PROGRAM'] == program] # Calculate the apparent HA of each tile in the plan in degrees [0,360]. lst = when.sidereal_time(kind='apparent').to(u.deg).value ha = np.fmod(lst - plan['RA'] + 360, 360) # Calculate the difference between the actual and optimum HA for # each tile in degrees [-180, +180]. dha = np.fmod(ha - 15 * plan['HA'] + 540, 360) - 180 # Build (ra,dec) grid where quantities will be tabulated. max_bin_area = max_bin_area * (np.pi / 180.) ** 2 # Pick the number of bins in cos(DEC) and RA to use. n_cos_dec = int(np.ceil(2 / np.sqrt(max_bin_area))) n_ra = int(np.ceil(4 * np.pi / max_bin_area / n_cos_dec)) # Calculate the actual pixel area in sq. degrees. bin_area = 360 ** 2 / np.pi / (n_cos_dec * n_ra) # Calculate the bin edges in degrees. ra_edges = np.linspace(-180., +180., n_ra + 1) dec_edges = np.degrees(np.arcsin(np.linspace(-1., +1., n_cos_dec + 1))) # Place a SkyCoord at the center of each bin. ra = 0.5 * (ra_edges[1:] + ra_edges[:-1]) dec = 0.5 * (dec_edges[1:] + dec_edges[:-1])[:, np.newaxis] radec_grid = astropy.coordinates.ICRS(ra=ra * u.deg, dec=dec * u.deg) # Ignore atmospheric refraction and restrict to small airmass, for speed. altaz_frame = astropy.coordinates.AltAz( location=where, obstime=when, pressure=0) # Transform (ra,dec) grid to (alt,az) altaz_grid = radec_grid.transform_to(altaz_frame) zenith = 90 * u.deg - altaz_grid.alt # Calculate airmass at each grid point. airmass = 1. / np.cos( # Calculate position of moon. moon_pos = desisurvey.ephem.get_object_interpolator( night, 'moon', altaz=True) moon_alt, moon_az = moon_pos(when.mjd) moon_altaz = astropy.coordinates.AltAz( alt=moon_alt * u.deg, az=moon_az * u.deg, location=where, obstime=when, pressure=0) moon_radec = moon_altaz.transform_to(astropy.coordinates.ICRS) moon_ra = moon_dec = moon_sep = moon_altaz.separation(altaz_grid).to(u.deg).value # Mask regions of the sky too close to the moon if it is above the horizon. if moon_alt > 0: data_mask = moon_sep < min_moon_sep else: data_mask = None data = desiutil.plots.prepare_data( airmass, mask=data_mask, clip_lo='!1.', clip_hi='!{0}'.format(max_airmass)) # Prepare tile coords to display. ra_plan = plan['RA'] * u.deg dec_plan = plan['DEC'] * u.deg ra_tile = [tile['RA']] * u.deg dec_tile = [tile['DEC']] * u.deg time = when.datetime.time() title1 = '{} {:02d}:{:02d} Exp #{}/{} {:.1f}[{:.0f}]m {:04d}-{:6s}'.format(, time.hour, time.minute, obs_num + 1, len(obs), exptime / 60., tile_plan['EXPLEN'] / 60., tile['TILEID'], tile['PROGRAM']) title2 = 'LST={:.1f}[{:.0f},{:.0f}]d X={:.2f} M={:.1f}%'.format( lst, 15. * tile_plan['LSTMIN'], 15. * tile_plan['LSTMAX'], tile['AIRMASS'], 100. * tile['MOONFRAC']) # Initialize the plots. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 7.5)) gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[8, 1], top=0.95, hspace=0.01) top = plt.subplot(gs[0]) btm = plt.subplot(gs[1]) plt.suptitle(title1 + ' ' + title2, fontsize='x-large') # Draw the night program. program_code = np.zeros((len(t_centers), 1)) program_code[dark] = 1. program_code[gray] = 2. program_code[bright] = 3. colors = ['lightblue', program_color['DARK'], program_color['GRAY'], program_color['BRIGHT']] cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(colors, 'programs') btm.imshow(program_code.T, origin='lower', interpolation='none', aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, vmin=-0.5, vmax=+3.5, extent=[-window_size, +window_size, 0, 1]) btm.set_yticks([]) window_hours = int(np.floor(window_size)) x_ticks = np.arange(2 * window_hours + 1) - window_hours x_labels = ['{0:02d}h'.format((hr + 24) % 24) for hr in x_ticks] btm.set_xticks(x_ticks) btm.set_xticklabels(x_labels) btm.axvline(24 * (when.mjd - midnight), color='r', lw=2) btm.set_xlabel('Local Time [UTC-7]') # Draw an all-sky overview of the afternoon plan and selected tile. basemap = desiutil.plots.init_sky( galactic_plane_color=program_color[program], ax=top) desiutil.plots.plot_grid_map(data, ra_edges, dec_edges, label='Airmass', cmap='viridis', basemap=basemap) dha = desiutil.plots.prepare_data( dha, clip_lo=-180, clip_hi=180, save_limits=True) desiutil.plots.plot_sky_circles(ra_plan, dec_plan, data=dha, cmap='bwr', colorbar=False, edgecolor='none', basemap=basemap) desiutil.plots.plot_sky_circles(ra_tile, dec_tile, field_of_view=10, facecolors=(1, 1, 1, 0.5), edgecolor=program_color[tile['PROGRAM']], basemap=basemap) # Draw the location of the moon. basemap.scatter( moon_ra, moon_dec, marker='x', color='k', s=100, latlon=True) if save: plt.savefig(save)
[docs]def plot_scheduler(s, start_date=None, stop_date=None, where=None, when=None, night_summary='dark', dust=True, monsoon=True, fullmoon=True, weather=False, cmap='magma', save=None): """Plot a summary of the scheduler observing efficiency forecast. Requires that the matplotlib and basemap packages are installed. Parameters ---------- s : desisurvey.old.schedule.Scheduler The scheduler object to use. start_date : date or None First night to include in the plot or use the first scheduler date. Must be convertible to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`. Ignored if ``when`` specifies a time. stop_date : date or None First night to include in the plot or use the last scheduler date. Must be convertible to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`. Ignored if ``when`` specifies a time. where : int, 'best', 'random', iterable or None Plot a time series of observing efficiency each night for a specified tile ID, the best location or averaging over randomly chosen locations. An iterable of int, 'best', 'random' is also allowed. Cannot be combined with the ``when`` option. when : astropy.time.Time, int, 'best', 'random' or None Plot an all-sky map of observing efficiency for a specified time, each location's best night or else averaging over randomly chosen nights. A time can be specified with a timestamp or a temporal index. Cannot be combined with the ``where`` option. night_summary : 'best', '24hr' or 'dark' Summarize the observing efficiency during each night picking either the best time slot, or else averaging over 24 hours or the actual length of the night. Ignored if ``when`` specifies a time. dust : bool Should dust extinction be included in the observing efficiency? monsoon : bool Do not observe during scheduled monsoon shutdowns? Ignored if ``when`` specifies a time. fullmoon : bool Do not observe during scheduled full-moon breaks? Ignored if ``when`` specifies a time. weather : bool Reweight exposure factors by expected dome-open fraction each month. Ignored if ``when`` specifies a time. cmap : matplotlib colormap spec Colormap to use to represent observing efficiency. Not used for a time series plot. save : string or None Name of file where plot should be saved. Format is inferred from the extension. Returns ------- tuple Tuple (figure, axes) returned by ``plt.subplots()``. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if where and when: raise ValueError('Cannot specify both where and when.') # Determine plot date range. start_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(start_date or s.start_date) stop_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(stop_date or s.stop_date) if start_date >= stop_date: raise ValueError('Expected start_date < stop_date.') # Preprocess the where arg to be a list whose elements are either valid # tile IDs or the strings 'best', 'random'. where_orig = where if where is not None: # Look for an iterable of valid elements. try: for w in where: if w in ('best', 'random'): continue s.index_of_tile(w) except (TypeError, ValueError): # Look for a single string. if where in ('best', 'random'): where = [where] else: # Look for a single integer. try: s.index_of_tile(where) where = [where] except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError('Invalid where: {0}.'.format(where_orig)) # Test if the when arg is a valid timestamp or temporal index. try: timestamp = astropy.time.Time(when) except ValueError: timestamp = None if timestamp: time_index = s.index_of_time(timestamp) else: try: time_index = int(when) if time_index < 0 or time_index >= len(s.fexp): raise ValueError('Time index out of range: {0}.' .format(time_index)) timestamp = s.time_of_index(time_index) except (ValueError, TypeError): time_index = None if timestamp is None and when not in (None, 'best', 'random'): raise ValueError('Invalid when: {0}.'.format(when)) if time_index is not None: # Select the specied time slice. fexp = s.fexp[time_index].copy() else: # Reshape time axis into (nights, times). This operation creates # a new view with no memory copy. fexp = s.fexp.reshape(s.num_nights, s.num_times, -1) # Restrict to the requested dates. lo = (start_date - s.start_date).days hi = (stop_date - s.start_date).days fexp = fexp[lo:hi] num_nights = hi - lo # Project out the spatial axis if requested. If dust is included, # we cannot avoid making a temporary copy of the large fexp array. if dust and where: fexp = fexp.copy() * s.fdust if where is not None: # Replace the spatial axis with an index into where. new_fexp = np.empty((num_nights, s.num_times, len(where))) # Generate a time series for each element of where. for i, w in enumerate(where): if w == 'best': # Observe the best pixel during each time slot. new_fexp[:, :, i] = fexp.max(axis=2) elif w == 'random': # Observe a random pixel during each time slot. new_fexp[:, :, i] = fexp.mean(axis=2) else: new_fexp[:, :, i] = fexp[:, :, s.index_of_tile(w)] fexp = new_fexp # Summarize each night using the specified summary statistic. if night_summary == 'best': # Pick the best time to observe each pixel. fexp = fexp.max(axis=1) elif night_summary == '24hr': # Average over each 24hour period. fexp = fexp.mean(axis=1) elif night_summary == 'dark': # Average over night observing times only. n_night_bins = (fexp > 0).sum(axis=1) mask = n_night_bins > 0 fexp = fexp.sum(axis=1) fexp[mask] /= n_night_bins[mask] else: raise ValueError( 'Invalid night_summary: {0}.'.format(night_summary)) # Zero out monsoon nights if requested. if monsoon: fexp[s.calendar['monsoon'][lo:hi]] = 0. # Zero out full-moon nights if requested. if fullmoon: fexp[s.calendar['fullmoon'][lo:hi]] = 0. # Apply weather factors if requested. if weather: fexp *= s.calendar['weather'][lo:hi, np.newaxis] # Project out the night axis if requested. if when == 'best': # Observe each pixel during its best night. fexp = fexp.max(axis=0) elif when == 'random': # Observe each pixel during a random night scheduled for # observations. scheduled = np.ones(num_nights, bool) if monsoon: scheduled[s.calendar['monsoon'][lo:hi]] = False if fullmoon: scheduled[s.calendar['fullmoon'][lo:hi]] = False fexp = fexp[scheduled].mean(axis=0) # Apply dust exposure factors if requested. if dust and where is None: fexp *= s.fdust # Prepare plot labels. date_label = 'Nights {0} to {1}'.format(start_date, stop_date) sky_label = 'Sky {0:,} sq.deg. (increasing RA)'.format( int(round( ** 2).value))) # Make the plot. fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5.75)) if when is not None: # Plot an all-sky map. assert fexp.shape == (len(s.footprint_pixels),) # Reconstruct a healpix map masked to our footprint. m = np.zeros(s.npix) m[s.footprint_pixels] = fexp data = desiutil.plots.prepare_data( m, mask=~s.footprint, clip_lo=0., clip_hi=1., save_limits=True) # Draw the map. if time_index: label = 'Observing Efficiency {0}'.format(timestamp.datetime) else: label = ('Observing Efficiency ({0}, {1})' .format(when, night_summary)) bm = desiutil.plots.plot_healpix_map(data, label=label, cmap=cmap) if time_index is not None: ephem = s.etable[time_index] # Draw current zenith (ra,dec). bm.scatter(ephem['zenith_ra'], ephem['zenith_dec'], marker='x', s=150, color='w', lw=2, latlon=True) # Draw current moon (ra,dec). bm.scatter(ephem['moon_ra'], ephem['moon_dec'], facecolor='gray', marker='o', s=150, edgecolor='r', latlon=True) print('program', ephem['program'], 'moon frac', ephem['moon_frac']) elif where is not None: # Project a time series for each element of where. assert fexp.shape == (num_nights, len(where)) colors = ('r', 'g', 'b', 'y', 'magenta') nc = len(colors) x = np.arange(num_nights) for i, w in enumerate(where): ax.fill_between(x, fexp[:, i], color=colors[i % nc], alpha=0.4) ax.plot(x, fexp[:, i], '-', c=colors[i % nc], lw=0.5, label=w) ax.legend(ncol=min(5, len(where))) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_xlim(x[0] - 0.5, x[-1] + 0.5) ax.set_ylim(0., 1.) ax.set_xlabel(date_label, fontsize='x-large') ax.set_ylabel('Observing Efficiency ({0})' .format(night_summary), fontsize='x-large') else: # Plot a 2D image. assert fexp.shape == (num_nights, len(s.footprint_pixels)) ax.imshow(fexp.T, interpolation='none', aspect='auto', origin='lower', cmap=cmap) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xlabel(date_label, fontsize='x-large') ax.set_ylabel(sky_label, fontsize='x-large') plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(save) return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_monthly(p, program='DARK', monsoon=False, fullmoon=True, cmap='viridis', save=None): """Plot average nightly visibility by month. Parameters ---------- p : desisurvey.old.schedule.Scheduler The scheduler object to use. program : 'DARK', 'GRAY', 'BRIGHT' or 'ANY' Name of the program to display visibility for. monsoon : bool Do not observe during scheduled monsoon shutdowns? Ignored if ``when`` specifies a time. fullmoon : bool Do not observe during scheduled full-moon breaks? Ignored if ``when`` specifies a time. cmap : matplotlib colormap spec Colormap to use to represent observing efficiency. Not used for a time series plot. save : string or None Name of file where plot should be saved. Format is inferred from the extension. Returns ------- tuple Tuple (figure, axes) returned by ``plt.subplots()``. Visibility does not include dust extinction or monthly weather factors. The nightly moon is displayed except for the DARK program, with an area proportional to the illuminated fraction and the nightly program time. Requires that the matplotlib and basemap packages are installed. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt raise RuntimeError('Not updated for daily weather fractions.') # Tabulate month index for each night. month = np.empty_like(p.calendar, np.int16) ##date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(midnight[i]) weather_weights = 1 - desisurvey.utils.dome_closed_probabilities() for m in range(12): sel = np.in1d(p.calendar['weather'], [weather_weights[m],]) month[sel] = m # Restrict to the specified program. if program == 'ANY': sel = p.etable['program'] > 0 else: pcode = dict(DARK=1, GRAY=2, BRIGHT=3)[program] sel = p.etable['program'] == pcode # Restrict to scheduled observing nights. sel = sel.reshape(p.num_nights, p.num_times) if fullmoon: sel[p.calendar['fullmoon']] = False if monsoon: sel[p.calendar['monsoon']] = False livetime = sel.sum(axis=1) / float(p.num_times) # Get visibility of each pixel during each month in units of # equivalent hours of nominal observing per night. fexp = p.fexp.copy() fexp = fexp.reshape(p.num_nights, p.num_times, -1) fexp[~sel] = 0. visibility = np.zeros((12, len(p.footprint_pixels))) for m in range(12): visibility[m] = fexp[month == m].sum(axis=1).mean(axis=0) visibility *= # Lookup moon parameters at midnight. midnight = slice(p.num_times // 2, None, p.num_times) moon_ra = p.etable['moon_ra'].data[midnight] moon_dec = p.etable['moon_dec'].data[midnight] moon_wgt = p.etable['moon_frac'].data[midnight] * livetime # Plot grid of results. v = np.zeros(p.npix) vmax = np.max(visibility) nrow, ncol = 4, 3 fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrow, ncol, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(14, 12)) for m, ax in enumerate(axes.flat): v[p.footprint_pixels] = visibility[m] data = desiutil.plots.prepare_data( v, mask=~p.footprint, clip_lo=0.01, clip_hi=vmax, save_limits=True) bm = desiutil.plots.init_sky(ax=ax, ra_labels=None, dec_labels=None) label = '{0} {1} Visibility [nom. hours/night]'.format( calendar.month_name[m + 1], program) desiutil.plots.plot_healpix_map( data, label=label, cmap=cmap, basemap=bm) if program != 'DARK': # Show the moon positions during this month. msel = (month == m) & (moon_wgt > 0) # Basemap scatter with arrays not working for some reason. for ra, dec, frac in zip( moon_ra[msel], moon_dec[msel], moon_wgt[msel]): #print m, ra, dec, frac bm.scatter(ra, dec, latlon=True, c='white', s=200 * frac, zorder=100) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) if save: plt.savefig(save) return fig, axes