Source code for desisurvey.scripts.surveyinit

"""Script wrapper for initializing survey planning and scheduling.

This is normally run once, at the start of the survey, and saves its results
to a FITS file surveyinit.fits.  With the default parameters, the running time
is about 25 minutes.

This script will calculate the ephemerides and expected weather (dome open
fraction) for 2019-2025, then calculate design hour angles for the
nominal survey dates.  The results are saved in a file (normally
``surveyinit.fits``) and then do not need to be recalculated ever again.

To run this script from the command line, use the ``surveyinit`` entry point
that is created when this package is installed, and should be in your shell
command search path.
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

import os
import argparse

import numpy as np

import as fits
import astropy.table

import desiutil.log


import desisurvey.utils
import desisurvey.ephem
import desisurvey.tiles
import desisurvey.optimize

[docs]def parse(options=None): """Parse command-line options for running survey planning. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument( '--verbose', action='store_true', help='display log messages with severity >= info') parser.add_argument( '--debug', action='store_true', help='display log messages with severity >= debug (implies verbose)') parser.add_argument( '--include-twilight', action='store_true', help='Include twilight in available LST') parser.add_argument( '--recalc', action='store_true', help='recalculate even when previous calculations are available') parser.add_argument( '--recalc-ephem', action='store_true', help='recalculate ephemerides tabulation') parser.add_argument( '--recalc-lst', action='store_true', help='recalculate LST optimization') parser.add_argument( '--nbins', type=int, default=192, metavar='N', help='number of LST bins to use') parser.add_argument( '--init', choices=('zero', 'flat'), default='flat', help='method to assign initial HA to each tile') parser.add_argument( '--adjust', default=1.0, metavar='DEG', help='tile HA adjustment (deg) per iteration, anneals each cycle') parser.add_argument( '--smooth', default=0.05, metavar='S', help='amount to smooth HA assignments, anneals each cycle') parser.add_argument( '--anneal', default=0.95, metavar='A', help='decrease adjust, smooth by this factor after each cycle') parser.add_argument( '--max-rmse', default=0.02, metavar='MAX', help='continue cycles until root mean square error < MAX') parser.add_argument( '--epsilon', default=0.01, metavar='EPS', help='continue cycles until fractional score improvement < EPS') parser.add_argument( '--max-cycles', type=int, default=100, help='maximum number of annealing cycles for each program') parser.add_argument( '--dark-stretch', type=float, default=1.2, metavar='S', help='stretch DARK exposure times by this factor') parser.add_argument( '--gray-stretch', type=float, default=1.3, metavar='S', help='stretch GRAY exposure times by this factor') parser.add_argument( '--bright-stretch', type=float, default=1.5, metavar='S', help='stretch BRIGHT exposure times by this factor') parser.add_argument( '--savelst', default='lst_optimized.fits', metavar='NAME', help='name of FITS output where LST distributions are saved') parser.add_argument( '--savetiles', default=None, metavar='NAME', help=('name of ecsv output where updated tile file is saved, ' 'default: same as tiles file, but in DESISURVEY_OUTPUT.')) parser.add_argument( '--output-path', default=None, metavar='PATH', help='output path to use instead of config.output_path') parser.add_argument( '--tiles-file', default=None, metavar='TILES', help='name of tiles file to use instead of config.tiles_file') parser.add_argument( '--config-file', default='config.yaml', metavar='CONFIG', help='input configuration file') parser.add_argument( '--completed', default=None, help='filename with information on already completed tiles') parser.add_argument( '--include-weather', default=True, type=bool, help='Use past weather to discount available LST when planning.') if options is None: args = parser.parse_args() else: args = parser.parse_args(options) return args
[docs]def calculate_initial_plan(args): """Calculate the initial survey plan. Use :func:`desisurvey.plan.load_weather` and :func:`desisurvey.plan.load_design_hourangles` to retrieve these data from the saved plan. Parameters ---------- args : object Object with attributes for parsed command-line arguments. """ log = desiutil.log.get_logger() config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() tiles = desisurvey.tiles.get_tiles() ephem = desisurvey.ephem.get_ephem() # Initialize the output file to write. hdus = fits.HDUList() hdr = fits.Header() # Calculate average weather factors for each day covered by # the ephemerides. first = desisurvey.ephem.START_DATE last = desisurvey.ephem.STOP_DATE years = np.arange(2007, 2018) fractions = [] for year in years: fractions.append(, last, replay='Y{}'.format(year))) from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter fractions = gaussian_filter(fractions, 7, mode='wrap') weather = 1 - np.mean(fractions, axis=0) # Save the weather fractions as the primary HDU. hdr['FIRST'] = first.isoformat() hdr['YEARS'] = ','.join(['{}'.format(yr) for yr in years]) start = config.first_day() stop = config.last_day() assert start >= first and stop <= last hdr['START'] = start.isoformat() hdr['STOP'] = stop.isoformat() hdr['TWILIGHT'] = args.include_twilight hdus.append(fits.ImageHDU(weather, header=hdr, name='WEATHER')) # Calculate the distribution of available LST in each program # during the nominal survey [start, stop). ilo, ihi = (start - first).days, (stop - first).days if args.include_weather: tweather = weather[ilo:ihi] else: tweather = None lst_hist, lst_bins = ephem.get_available_lst( nbins=args.nbins, weather=tweather, include_twilight=args.include_twilight) lst_centers = 0.5*(lst_bins[:-1]+lst_bins[1:]) if tiles.nogray: assert not np.any(tiles.tileobsconditions == 'GRAY') new_lst_hist = lst_hist.copy() new_lst_hist[0, :] = lst_hist[0, :] + lst_hist[1, :] new_lst_hist[1, :] = lst_hist[2, :] lst_hist = new_lst_hist[0:2, :].copy() if tiles.bright_allowed_in_dark: new_lst_hist = lst_hist.copy() new_lst_hist[0, :] = np.sum(lst_hist, axis=0) lst_hist = new_lst_hist[0:1, :].copy() # Initialize the output results table. conditions = ['DARK', 'GRAY', 'BRIGHT'] if tiles.nogray: conditions.remove('GRAY') if tiles.bright_allowed_in_dark: conditions.remove('BRIGHT') design = astropy.table.Table() design['INIT'] = np.zeros(tiles.ntiles) design['HA'] = np.zeros(tiles.ntiles) design['TEXP'] = np.zeros(tiles.ntiles) design['TILEID'] = tiles.tileID design['RA'] = tiles.tileRA design['DEC'] = tiles.tileDEC design['PROGRAM'] = tiles.tileprogram tiletab = tiles.read_tiles_table() # Optimize each program separately. stretches = dict( DARK=args.dark_stretch, GRAY=args.gray_stretch, BRIGHT=args.bright_stretch) if tiles.nogray: stretches.pop('GRAY') tile_is_assignable = np.zeros(tiles.ntiles, dtype='bool') for condition in conditions: tile_is_assignable |= tiles.allowed_in_conditions(condition) if ~np.all(tile_is_assignable):'Warning: some tiles are not observable in ' 'gray/dark/bright. These will not be observable by the NTS ' 'by default.') badprogram = np.unique(tiles.tileprogram[~tile_is_assignable])'Problematic programs: {}'.format(' '.join(badprogram))) for index, condition in enumerate(conditions): sel = tiles.allowed_in_conditions(condition) & tiles.in_desi if 'DONEFRAC' in tiletab.dtype.names: sel = (sel & (tiletab['DONEFRAC'] < 1) & (tiletab['STATUS'] != 'obsend') & (tiletab['STATUS'] != 'done')) if not np.any(sel):'Skipping {} program with no tiles.'.format(condition)) continue # Initialize an LST summary table. table = astropy.table.Table(meta={'ORIGIN': lst_bins[0]}) table['LST'] = lst_centers table['AVAIL'] = lst_hist[index] # Initailize an optimizer for this program. opt = desisurvey.optimize.Optimizer( condition, lst_bins, lst_hist[index], init=args.init, center=None, stretch=stretches[condition], completed=args.completed, subset=tiles.tileID[sel]) table['INIT'] = opt.plan_hist.copy() design['INIT'][sel] = opt.ha_initial # Initialize annealing cycles. ncycles = 0 binsize = 360. / args.nbins frac = args.adjust / binsize smoothing = args.smooth # Loop over annealing cycles. while ncycles < args.max_cycles: start_score = opt.eval_score(opt.plan_hist) for i in range(opt.ntiles): opt.improve(frac) if smoothing > 0: opt.smooth(alpha=smoothing) stop_score = opt.eval_score(opt.plan_hist) delta = (stop_score - start_score) / start_score RMSE = opt.RMSE_history[-1] loss = opt.loss_history[-1] '[{:03d}] dHA={:5.3f}deg '.format(ncycles + 1, frac * binsize) + 'RMSE={:6.2f}% LOSS={:5.2f}% delta(score)={:+5.1f}%' .format(1e2*RMSE, 1e2*loss, 1e2*delta)) # Both conditions must be satisfied to terminate. if RMSE < args.max_rmse and delta > -args.epsilon: break # Anneal parameters for next cycle. frac *= args.anneal smoothing *= args.anneal ncycles += 1 plan_sum = opt.plan_hist.sum() avail_sum = opt.lst_hist_sum margin = (avail_sum - plan_sum) / plan_sum'{} plan uses {:.1f}h with {:.1f}h avail ({:.1f}% margin).' .format(condition, plan_sum, avail_sum, 1e2 * margin)) # Save planned LST usage. table['PLAN'] = opt.plan_hist table['HA0'] = opt.plan_hist_ha0 hdus.append(fits.BinTableHDU(table, name=condition)) # Calculate exposure times in (solar) seconds. texp, _ = opt.get_exptime(opt.ha) texp *= 24. * 3600. / 360. * 0.99726956583 # Save results for this program. design['HA'][sel] = opt.ha design['TEXP'][sel] = texp hdus.append(fits.BinTableHDU(design, name='DESIGN')) fullname = config.get_path(args.savelst) hdus.writeto(fullname, overwrite=True)'Saved initial plan to "{}".'.format(fullname)) # add a DESIGNHA column or overwrite one to an existing tile file. tiletab['DESIGNHA'] = np.zeros(len(tiletab), dtype='f4') tiletab['DESIGNHA'].format = '%7.2f' tiletab['DESIGNHA'].unit = tiletab['RA'].unit tiletab['DESIGNHA'].description = 'Design hour angles' _, mt, md = np.intersect1d(tiletab['TILEID'], design['TILEID'], return_indices=True) tiletab['DESIGNHA'][mt] = design['HA'][md] # drop unnecessary columns dropcolumns = ['AIRMASS', 'STAR_DENSITY', 'EXPOSEFAC', 'OBSCONDITIONS', 'IMAGEFRAC_G', 'IMAGEFRAC_R', 'IMAGEFRAC_Z', 'IMAGEFRAC_GR', 'IMAGEFRAC_GRZ', 'IN_IMAGING'] for col in dropcolumns: if col in tiletab.dtype.names: tiletab.remove_column(col) fullname = args.savetiles tiletab.write(fullname, overwrite=True, format='ascii.ecsv')
[docs]def main(args): """Command-line driver for initializing the survey plan. """ # Set up the logger if args.debug: log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.DEBUG) args.verbose = True elif args.verbose: log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.INFO) else: log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.WARNING) # Set the output path if requested. config = desisurvey.config.Configuration(file_name=args.config_file) if args.output_path is not None: config.set_output_path(args.output_path) if args.tiles_file is not None: config.tiles_file.set_value(args.tiles_file) # Tabulate emphemerides if necessary. ephem = desisurvey.ephem.get_ephem( use_cache=not (args.recalc or args.recalc_ephem)) # Calculate design hour angles if necessary. fullnamelst = config.get_path(args.savelst) if args.savetiles is not None: fullnametiles = args.savetiles else: tiles = desisurvey.tiles.get_tiles() fullnametiles = os.path.basename(tiles.tiles_file) fullnametiles = config.get_path(fullnametiles) args.savetiles = fullnametiles if ((args.recalc or args.recalc_lst) or not (os.path.exists(fullnamelst) and os.path.exists(fullnametiles))): calculate_initial_plan(args) else:'Initial plan has already been created.')